• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Have you tried installing MTGO using Lutris? Apparently it works fine, but you’ll need some tweaks. The key is to use windowed mode, disable music and card animations:

    Runner options: -Use the latest version of lutri-proton if it’s not the default. -Use windowed (virtual desktop) mode and the display resolution of whatever device you are playing on. This was the biggest fix of most problems for me with stuff related to proper rendering of windows. -All else is default from Lutris install

    System options: -Uncheck restrict number of cores -Disable desktop effects -All else is default from Lutris install

    In-game options: -Disable or silence music and Uncheck play client startup music -Disable card animations(summoning sickness and foil treatment)

    I’ve also found that it is always better to close the program using the Stop button on Lutris, there’s a bug where sometimes if you close out of the game via the Close button in the window, it will not properly stop the game, and will prevent starting the game back up again. I also tend to start the game in Lutris instead of via a desktop shortcut.


  • The enshittification actually began several years ago, back when FB bought WhatsApp. That was the moment you gave up on privacy, the moment that was a clear sign that it was all going to go downhill from there. If y’all didn’t quit WhatsApp at that time, then you bought it upon yourselves. The truth is, you’ve been using a shitty service for a long time and whoring your data to Meta and making Zuckerberg richer, so this latest feature bloat or w/e isn’t the least bit interesting.

  • Because Firefox is like a democracy, they prioritize work based on number of votes on issues/feature requests. The AudioEncoder API has literally just one vote, and the overall WebCodecs API that it’s a part of only has five votes. This shows that there’s very little demand for it, meaning very few sites actually use this (that or the vast majority of Firefox users don’t use/need this feature). Why bother focusing your efforts on implementing something that most users don’t care about? The higher priority things that most Firefox users care about is stuff like performance, and Mozilla have been making some good progress too on that front.