• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • I honestly don’t think twitter will ever go away until all of a majority of all major sports teams and leagues, a majority of legislative body members, and major news and wire services have a sustained and active presence on bsky. it right now is literally coasting on everything that made it useful pre 2022 and every stupid fucking thing elon has done to make the twitter experience worse hasn’t done enough to cause a critical mass of people to jump.

    once you see major popular twitter accounts like rex chapman, mark hamill, taylor swift and the like (and I say this not because of their politics but because of their massive follower base) regularly post on bsky you can probably start closing the book on twitter.

  • probably not.

    unless the planet is water all the way down, I don’t think it’s possible to have life or even submerged landmasses that don’t have the chemical elements that can create salts. dead things would dissolve in the water and chemicals in rocks will leach into water over time.

    now if this water planet is far enough away from the sun to freeze, sure. the frozen ice should be all fresh. I’m not aware of any salts that stay in frozen water ice. the stuff underneath the frozen stuff most definitely will be salty.

    not a chemist or chemistry major but I’m using the word “salts” deliberately. there’s more types of salt than NaCl.

  • EVERYONE out pizzas the hut.

    pizza hut is bad chain pizza.

    this has been my opinion since the early 90s and nothing during that time has changed my opinion.

    meanwhile domino’s has gotten markedly better since 2000. if I’m traveling and don’t want to think about what to eat, I’m getting domino’s because I know they’re everywhere. them or papa johns depending on what deal is going on at the time.

  • i had to login for some functions at work. i believe the minimums were 8 characters, 1 caapitol, 1 number. and we all hated it, because the passwords had to be changed every 90 days, and you couldn’t reuse passwords. eventually you are going to run out of things you can reasonably use that you could remember and then would be forced to use some sort of password manager. but OOPSIE you couldn’t install any software on the office computer so you would have to resort to writing them down somewhere. it was a mess.

    fortunately corporate decided to just change the entire system adopting most of these rules, min 15 characters, no special character, no hints, no forced changing passwords unless you think you have been compromised or just want to change it. we do have to use 2fa to access some things if you aren’t sitting at the office computer but other than that people are much happier about passwords now.

  • my guess: they’ll ignore it, just like they ignore what the gazan and west bank people say who they want as president.

    it’s not about genocide or gaza for them.

    it was never about genocide or gaza for them. just look at them scramble when you point out how their champion said nothing about what happened in ukraine and syria and those genocides (relevant since their champion was a known supporter of putin and assad).

    it was only about disrupting the “corrupt duopoly” and having the ability to smugly declare their purity in not compromising their values on the ballot, the consequences of that vote which would affect all of us be damned.

  • really it only makes sense.

    the obvious glaring problem with all of these people who say they support the plight of the gazan people was that if they actually cared for and listened to what the gazan people were telling anyone who would actually listen to them, when it came to who the next american president should be they overwhelmingly said kamala harris.

    these online activists were in effect doing the exact same thing that trump was doing with the border. they didn’t care or cared very little about gazans other than using them as a tool to try to affect the kind of political revolution they jerk off to every night destroying the “corrupt duopoly” as their only real political goal.

    it’s good that a leading muslim organization a) listened to what gazans were saying b) considered all consequences of electing either candidate, not just the consequences regarfing gaza and c) knows that there is no such thing as a perfect political party or candidate and that demanding purity on an issue important to them is much likely to get them less influence.

    hopefully this news shuts these people up for the next few weeks.

  • you know that for a fact, or are you just projecting?

    prosecutors are charged with proving the city or state or federal government’s case against someone who has been charged with breaking the law. if congress doesn’t provide extra police funding, doesn’t pass more restrictive laws, doesn’t backtrack on current policy, and doesn’t lock more people up for non violent crimes guess what? she’s not going to do that either. i don’t see her going the unitary executive that a republican congress would allow a republican president to be because it sounds like she actually respects the rule of law and separation of powers.

  • the trump legal team has a plan for that. they are going to sue (the swing) states that do not list biden as the democratic nominee. granted they probably won’t win, but the real point of the suits is to tie all of this up in court past the point where states certify elections throwing the election to the house where the president is voted on by state delegation, not house members and there are more majority republican state delegations than there would be republicans in the house (i’m predicting that the dems win back the house if only by states having redrawn maps. remember: the house that would convene to actually count the ec votes is sworn in on january 2, meaning this house wouldn’t vote on it) and trump gets elected again.

  • what the media bandwagon is doing is similar to the plan trump had in his first term:

    1. repeal the aca

    2. develop a plan

    3. implement the plan

    except the time period between steps 1 and 3 could not just be years but could be DECADES. meanwhile, the aca is still repealed and people would suffer.

    any plan that calls for removal that also doesn’t simultaneously install a replacement is a bad plan. so far the only viable plan is for kamala to take over since she has the legal access to the campaign warchest and already has a ground infrastructure in place. and if kamala takes over biden immediately makes him an immediate lame duck as president since it would be signalling that he can’t do the job now. and there is a lot more fantasizing of probable picks as a ticket that do not include kamala harris. which makes all of those fantasy tickets illogical.

    this is not sticking with biden because we like him. it’s about sticking with biden because making any kind of change to the ticket historically guarantees another trump term.

  • none of those candidates will get enough popular votes to win a state’s electoral votes and 2 out of 3 aren’t on enough ballots to total 270 votes. the only message a person who is on the left side of politics teaches the democratic party is that your vote isn’t worth pursuing since you aren’t going to vote for a democrat anyway. instead they will pursue the votes they have the possibility to get. often those people are much more centrist or right wing. you’re taking yourself out of any potential influential position of influence.

    this is a binary choice. the winner will either be trump or biden. any vote not for biden is an indirect vote for trump because it’s not going towards the only other viable candidate. this is how our system works and it’s far too late to change it for this year.