Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!
MacBeth has left the chat
Many different kinds of organizations are organized as corporations. Charities, newspapers, churches, etc. If the amendment was not carefully written, it could be construed to deny important rights, such as press freedom or religious freedom, to organizations that really ought to be protected. Similarly, the protections against unwarranted search and seizure or taking of property for pubic use without compensation should probably continue to cover corporations.
Really, the only problem I see WRT corporations having constitutional rights is the decision that political spending is protected speech. The other constitutional rights are generally not problematic.
So maybe something like this:
No person, whether natural born human or legal fiction, shall spend, donate, or otherwise make valuable contributions to any candidate or campaign, if said person is not entitled to vote in the election for such candidate or campaign.
Only natural born human beings shall be entitled to vote in any election.
From a national security standpoint of the government, it absolutely does matter who has the data.
TestDisk and PhotoRec. TestDisk can recover broken drive partitions, PhotoRec can recover deleted files even if the partition table is borked.
There’s an entire Star Trek instance ( that followed the /r/daystrominstitute community from reddit during the Exodus.
Left4Dead2. Infinitely replayable, multiplayer without being toxic (except Versus mode), simple enough for n00bs to not be a burden most of the time.
A large bottle of cologne. Plausible gift that makes them think they smell bad.
You can collect unemployment after quitting if you have a good cause for quitting.
I’m the building superintendent.
My landlord pays me to live in my apartment rather than the other way around.
Because that would violate the prime directive.
“Here come the test results: ‘You are a horrible person’. That’s what it says, ‘a horrible person’. We weren’t even testing for that!”
I just use Everything desktop search and let the files fall where they may.
Just lemmy in a browser for me. Never used facebag or twatter or others besides reddit.
I want Roland Emmerich to make a movie out of the short story A Pail of Air.
tl;dr/spoiler: ~20 years ago, a black hole passed through the solar system and captured the Earth, dragging it inexorably away from the Sun. This causes great earthquakes, tsunami, and other immediate civilization-ending catastrophes, but the real disaster comes when the atmosphere freezes and falls like snow to the ground. The original story follows a young boy born after the cataclysm whose chores include collecting buckets of frozen air.
The government only knows that they voted, not how they voted.
If social media companies exist to collect massive troves of personal info from users–and they do–then there is a valid national security concern over social media controlled by an adversary. This is distinct from the individual privacy concerns towards domestically-controlled social media.
No it’s not. There’s no bail, for example, and no plea bargaining in civil cases; jail time isn’t on the table, the district attorney isn’t involved, the standard of evidence is lower, and the rules of procedure are different.
First comes the discovery phase where both sides exchange evidence and the court settles any evidentiary questions. This phase can frequently take longer than the trial itself.