Corrupt sheriff was brought down by a University student.. Whitley county is the only one that doesn’t send drugs for disposal to a central statewide disposal facility. Nobody can prove corruptions until two students start digging. Cops get mad and start threatening them. Money laundering, theft, extortion, threats are all uncovered. Lexigton police finally bust the guy for 18 year sentence. Not a single blip in the national news. I often wonder if there’s more justice stories out there that we never hear because it isn’t useful as a component of a larger narrative.
This is my opinion too. I dont have racist parents (anymore than anyone can be said to have some degree of inherent racism we try hard to be mindful of and eliminate as we become more aware), but I did grow up around a lot of racists. I was always surprised that people I knew, even ones who had black friends and were otherwise fine towards other races, would get really weird about a white woman and a black man having some sexual relationship.
Then the guns came out and it was all kinds of horrific slurs towards the black man and the white woman both. I specifically remember the common understanding for these people was that a white woman was “ruined” beyond repair after being with a black man. Even when I was young, it just screams of an outrageous level of insecurity