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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • I don’t know about Apple but Google used to make a little tone that let you know that it was listening to you. It doesn’t do that anymore. Now it just shows a little green light which, if you’re not looking directly at the phone you won’t see.

    And it was pretty frequent when Google’s voice Assistant would randomly activate and I’d hear that little tone and I would have to turn it off so it wouldn’t sit there listening to my conversation. But now you don’t have that option, now if you miss that little light everything you say is recorded.

    Fuck these services. I have permanently disabled both my phones 's Google Assistant and the Nest speaker I bought. Yes, it’s less convenient. But the fact of the matter is that these companies aren’t interested in making a service that is useful to you they just want to collect data on everything you do so they can sell it. And to be clear, I was fine with them collecting data on stuff that I actively participated in, it’s the price I was willing to pay. But for them to pull this shady ass shit of removing the audible notification is just garbage.

  • Here’s an idea, why don’t you save your argument for one of the myriad posts that have popped up discussing this very subject of whether or not cats can eat vegan or not and whether or not that is abuse.

    But here and now within this post is a discussion over whether or not mods acted recklessly and whether or not there is a need for better guidelines on what is and isn’t allowed. Which were discussed in the post that you apparently didn’t read.

    At no point did the author of this post open up the floor to discuss whether or not veganism is good, bad, or ugly for cats.

  • “Residents, families and staff become confused about how many vaccinations are required to stay up to date, and many are reluctant to continually inject vaccine product into their bodies, particularly more than once per year,” she wrote.

    So, it’s not that they aren’t available to them. They just don’t want to take it. It’s twice a year, not a hard calculus to make and if you refuse the vaccine don’t fucking cry when you’re on you’re death bed. Fuck these people.

    Meanwhile their shitty voting habits are making it hard to get vaccines to the working poor. I say the more of them who are dead the better. One less vote against common sense.