When nothing goes right, go left.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • trough ssh when you connect to your machine run :

    lastb -10

    This will show you the last 10 login failed attemps you can change to 20 or whatever

    you can also run: last -10 to see the last successful logged in

    use :

    more history

    to see all the commands that someone have typed

    on the dir /var/logs you have a lot of another logs too

    for more paranoid level use

    netstat -a

    This will show you all incoming and outgoing communications

    and like the others said considere using firewall and fail2ban

    Note: don’t relly to much on firewalls since they are easy to bypass

    keep all softwares updated

    read frequently about new vulnerabilities if there is some vulnerability that affects your software until gets patched turn of that service.

  • when you say some services on your network are you talking about machines or softwares?

    for machines yes ups makes sense for softwares writing some scripts to run on start up should be enough another alternative can be setting up wake on Lan that way you can bring all up again wherever you are

  • Well if its opensource anyone can easly get ride of the adds. I agree with you that developers schould be paid but there is many ways to be paid we all fight for privacy and against adds on the internet using adblocks for example i personaly always pay for developers fairemail and typewise to rename few but i dont like to be forced to pay and in between my phone are establishing connections to the adds servers exposing ip addresse connection times and so on adds are not only adds there is a lot of metadata that can be extracted from adds. And finally the purpose of developing opensourse apps is to serve the community with more friendly apps than the big companies offers to us. But… its just me saying that…