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Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • This is just guidance from the Iowa DoE. This has been a law for a year now, but the DoE wouldn’t put out official guidance on it, making school districts scramble to figure things out on their own.

    If a student even asks a hypothetical “if I were to ask to be called by…”, parents have to be notified. Generic notice was given to our GSA that students that were unsure if their parents were supportive should ask to be called by their last names to avoid being deadnamed.

    As a teacher, every student became a “they”, all my seating charts were done by last name, and I had to refuse calling students nicknames unless it was noted in our official system. As a trans teacher, I was targeted by a parent who tried to set me up. A student asked to be called by a shortened name where it was unclear if it was a different gender from their given name (think like Chris for Christina). They did not ask any other teacher to do this, and their parents refused to sign anything allowing it. So I refused, and parents tried to escalate it. Fortunately my admin is amazing and just removed the student from my class.

    Side note: the same year they did this, they also passed a law that mandated that the student mental health survey that the CDC puts out every year be replaced by their own Iowa version. The only difference? They removed questions about sexual orientation and gender identity questions. These questions include things like “how often have you had thoughts of killing yourself” and “how often do you feel down or depressed”. We know, statistically, that these laws will increase suicidality among queer students, but now we don’t have any way to prove that the laws they passed had that effect. It’s downright evil.

  • Just to be clear, they follow 1 random Jewish student who says they “felt threatened” because they saw a swastika “on or around campus”. They then talk to another student who is the leader of a pro-Israel student group. They don’t talk to any of the people actually at the encampments. They don’t talk to any pro-Palestinian students. They take these 2 Jewish students word at face value. There’s no studies cited, and no other evidence offered.

    This story is part of a larger media narrative to paint anything that is supporting Palestine or is critical of Israel as antisemitism. It accepts pro-Israel talking points as fact with little or no actual investigation into whether anything said is actually true.

  • I agree that the super might have been a jerk. But one of those other people on stage was the principal, who would have been far more responsible for day-to-day operations of the school. In most districts, an expulsion is recommended by the principal then rubber-stamped by the superintendent. Hell, in some districts the school board has to approve any expulsion.

    So while I have no doubt there might have been some animosity between the father and the super, if that was seriously his grievance then he should have gone after the principal first. You know, the one that recommended the expulsion for his daughter and not “her bullies”.

  • I’ve worked on supposed “Agile” teams that operate this way, and worked on an Agile team that actually work ridiculously well. The biggest issue with Agile isn’t the philosophy, it’s when management starts using it to cut costs. This comment is what it turns into. Notice that every single one of these points lower cost. But one of the main assumptions of Agile is that the workers control the work, managers support the workers. The places I’ve been where Agile didn’t work it was because management was unwilling to buy into this basic assumption, then use Agile as a crutch for not giving the team what they needed to be successful.

    The one successful team I was on that was Agile, the entire group of around 12 worked directly with the customer, and our manager’s role was to ask “what do you need”. It was hands down the best dev role I was ever in (before I became a teacher).