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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I tried them in a store after years of being against them due to aesthetics.

    Was expecting them to be much softer and marshmallowy. They weren’t bad or anything, just not what I was expecting. For something to be that ugly (to me) and it just being some molded foam, it was still to expensive and not my look to be something for me.

    I got a pair of Olukai sandals and a pair of Chacos that day. Both feel like much more shoe for the money. They both have great arch support. The Olukai are cushiony and comfy and good looking. The Chacos are rock solid in a good way. They can also be restrapped and resoled, so they won’t end up in the trash near as fast.

  • Thank you. I feel many are falling in the same trap as the actual media: they want engagement in their community, and the stuff that riles people up does that and gets them coming back. My question is if that is what we want growing here?

    I’d rather this just be a place to chill and have fun, but stay up to date on news too. I don’t know why people want to argue with the same dozen people here when they could antagonize many more people at Reddit if that’s their thing.

    I try to post nothing but positive stuff, but if I look around one day and don’t enjoy anything else around me here, why would I stay?

  • I’m glad you enjoy my content. I always try to maintain it as an oasis for positive, peaceful, and factual content.

    I miss Beehaw. I didn’t get it at first since most of Lemmy felt the same, but as time went on, Beehaw kept the same vibe while other instances started to feel more like Reddit. Sadly, Beehaw walled off their garden a bit too much for me, which I respect their choice, but I was already doing the bulk of my posting on World and wanted to keep growing the audience.

    Downvotes for trolling or misinformation are important, but when they’re used just to be bitchy, I don’t get the point. It’s rude and discourages the small number of commenters we have.

    Snarking at depressing news can be healthy to help process it, but I wish it would focus on the problems and the people causing it, but not be outright crappy to people. Scrolling the threads about Senator Inhofe yesterday, the guy sucked and did a lot of bad things, but the gloating over a guy’s death isn’t a great look for us. I won’t be shedding any tears, but publicly cheering a guy’s death isn’t something I like keeping company with.

  • I didn’t want to ramble on too long, but I’ve had discussions before where I talk about how I feel the Reddit attitude towards mods there has kept mods weak here, out of fear of being overbearing or whatever you want to call it.

    Was talking to the person running MaleFashionAdvice and they had wondered why people weren’t hanging out there. That isn’t typically a group I’d follow, but I checked it out, and the latest post was full of “not interested in this,” “fashion is stupid,” and I feel there were a few anti-capitalism comments. Otherwise, recent threads included more “normal people” advice than I expected to see in a fashion sub, ie. not all about super expensive or limited things, things that came in less common sizes, etc. But I told them, hey, you might want to clean some of these posts out of here, because if new people start browsing and see way more negative comments than helpful ones, why would they sub? As you said, we can disagree, but bring something to the table instead of just basically going “you suck bro!” Something like a “can we get a thread on some more affordable clothes or about brands that the clothes last” is much more useful and not rude.

    It may be the things I browse, but I feel Reddit had plenty of “why do we need to make eveything political” stuff. I read a lot about the environment, animals, and conservation, so of course politics do overlap with that as much as some “old school outdoorsman” may see that as a safe space. But again, there’s reasonable ways to discuss it, and we should be open to listening to others, especially if they bring supporting facts to back them up.

    I will try to love communism and linux to a greater degree than I already do.

    I see we have a similar analysis of the average Lemmy commenter! 😆

  • Not sure if everyone would consider it “anime” as it’s more a hybrid of US and Japanese, but “Flight of Dragons.” It felt very stylistic and deep to a young me, and showed me animation could be serious.

    As to specifically watching anime as a known thing, Toonami shows pulled me in. I caught DBZ flipping through the channels and I started watching that and Outlaw Star.

    Met a friend that was into it and he lent me Iria: The Zeiram, Armitage 3, Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D, and eventually a few others.

  • Positivity, or at least more constructive comments.

    I know a lot of bad stuff is going on worldwide, and I’m not upset the bad news gets mentioned, but it seems we have more tendency as a whole to revert back to the old Reddit ways. More arguing, more downvoting, more piling on to people without any comments why people are disagreeing.

    Yesterday there was a discussion about homelessness and I shared stats from Census.gov, as the article from the OP was paywalled. Someone asked a question as to why certain states (basically the red ones) had less reported homeless and why it seemed they had a better handle on the issue than states like CA or NY. While I was typing up a nice response demonstrating causation vs correlation and how looking at a chart showing # of people as counted only in shelters may initially make it seem they had many less homeless when in reality, they have homeless people, but they may either be provided no shelter or they may end up in jail as opposed to being left alone.

    By the time my reply was done, I saw the person that asked the question was being downvoted. They hadn’t made a statement saying the red states were better with the homeless, they asked a valid question as to why it appeared that way as they had called them the “poor states” and seemed confused how they had funding to keep homelessness down better than the other states. I had also responded to this person before on other occasions when they had questions, so I knew they weren’t trolling or spreading misinformation, but no one else, save one other person (with an accurate but snarky reply) chimed in with any type of answer, they just downvoted a legitimate question while offering no help.

    I don’t feel Lemmy a year ago would have acted this way, and I see it on many threads each day. I for better or worse, have interest in politics and associated things, so I end up reading many negative threads, but I try my hardest to avoid making straight negative comments, and instead try to provide stats or more background info so people are understanding what they’re seeing and trying to clear up any confusion so they can make informed choices based on facts. I’ll even get downvoted though (not badly) for just sharing info with trustworthy sources. Heck, yesterday I got downvoted for talking about my heat pump, and almost every animal pic I share gets at least 1 or 2 downvotes. Never any comments why, so I just am constantly confused by it.

    Just wish we did a bit more to foster a better vibe here. I spend less and less time in other communities and stick to my own, but that doesn’t feel like a good way to grow Lemmy. And I’m someone who currently posts and replies daily. Most people still just lurk, no matter what we try to do, and nobody is going to post if they’re going to get negged for no reason.

  • Find a thread where someone is looking for a piece of FOSS software and someone comes in saying “I’ve tried all the FOSS projects, but I find X [paid or not open source] just works better for me” and you will see the reaction you want to see.

    Like vegans, FOSS people are a minority community with stiff moral stances and they hold their beliefs for very specific personal reasons. To the FOSS people, suggesting they use closed software is likely the same as when people tell you that you must not be getting enough Vitamin B or whatever because you don’t eat meat.

    As someone non-vegan and not overly concerned about FOSS, I’ve had guys and bad interactions with both groups. I’ve had bad reactions when I’ve suggested free but closed source solutions and gotten bad reactions in return, and I’ve shared things with vegans who liked my original things I’ve shared about meat and dairy alternatives and their opinion of me changes when they learn I hunt for food.

    People get defensive when you either question their morality or people question your morality. We can attempt to understand others’ actions and beliefs, but we truly only understand our own, and that can make us all act out irrationally. It can be hard to not try to show others why you made your personal moral decisions, and it’s fine to try to share or teach others your values, but there’s a fine line between sharing beliefs and getting pushy about it, and it’s different for everyone.