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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve not drank anything that was made for baby cows in over 6 years(or any other animal products), I get regularly tested for deficiencies, and I have never been under in calcium. They lied to you. They lied to you because they knew how easy it would be to make you feel like you need to do whatever they tell you. Not only did they convince you that it is healthy to drink their milk, they also convinced you to not think about the fact that they pump it full of drugs to increase their profits. You got played so hard that they don’t even have to worry that might question them. At this point, most people are too afraid to even consider they’ve been played because they don’t want to entertain the fact that maybe, just maybe, they’ve been doing something stupid. The count the egos of their victims to continue their scam for them. As a result, people do their job for them and repeat their manufactured lie to their own children.

  • At this point, it would be a massive step up if people would just not send their money to people who cram cows in tiny cages with no room to move. Even if the vast majority of people can’t give a shit about the well being of animals, they should at least be able to realise that breeding horrific viruses so they have baby cow juice loaded up with drugs is a terrible idea just for their own selfish sake. How hard is it to change a few little habits? Are people so far gone that they can’t change any aspect of their lives?

    It’s so hard to take anyone seriously when they have such little self-control and moral absence that they can’t even take any tiny step if it means giving up anything that they are used to.

  • My bad, I suppose I should have gone further down my line of reasoning. I am well aware of the differences between what generative AI does and what human artists do.

    Do you think artists should be allowed to categorize other artists work so that when they want inspiration on how to draw mouths, they can quickly look through and see a bunch of other artists mouths to get inspiration from? (So they can then draw their own mouths)

    Should they be allowed to use AI to help them do this identification and categorization?

    Should they be allowed to use AI to create new mouths based on the collection they have amassed so they can get inspiration from these never before seen mouths?

    Does it make any difference if they have created this identifying/categorizing AI themself?

    If they take this combination of AI that they created and these images that they collected, and the resulting AI inspiration mouths that they have produced, should they be allowed to alter them to suit the unique face that they are making? Or is the fact that they combined what people currently call “AI” with other people’s work enough to make it against the rules?

    What if they made the AI and never plugged in anyone else’s mouths, should they be allowed to use that AI to make their work?

    Where exactly is the line at that people should not be allowed to cross?

    I know there are lots of questions here, I totally understand if you don’t have time or answers for them. I’m just kind of laying out why I see not nearly as clear of a line as some people/headlines would like to have everyone think there is.

  • Fair enough. What’s your stance on this - should someone be allowed to create a text prompt and a list of settings for a specific model and then sell that data that they 100% created themself?

    I haven’t heard anyone saying they think people should not be allowed their sell their own text creation like this, but if they are allowed to, then it means that anyone who wants to sell AI art just needs to sell the instructions for someone else to create the art themself. This could easily be set up as a file format that the purchaser then just has to run on their own. Seems like a waste of energy for everyone to generate their own copy of the work, but I can’t imagine any laws being set up that say people are not allowed to sell their own creations because the purchaser may plug what they created into an AI.

    Should this be allowed or should the law extend to people not being allowed to sell text that may be used by someone else to create art?

  • Making all ai work public domain is a great idea… until you start trying to draft actual laws. If ai is only used to make the eyeballs of character is it public domain? If I use a stable diffusion base but then fine-tune it on my own work is it public domain? What if I use ai to make the general idea, then I use that as inspiration to make my own work? How does anyone prove that anything is or isn’t ai generated or assisted? The list goes on and on. Making laws about ai use in art simply isn’t realistic, they are just too hard to nail down, and too easy to skirt. I don’t know what the solution is, but it isn’t this unfortunately.

    The other big problem with it is that it just means that few big companies who already own almost all the IP(yes, most professional artists don’t actually own their own work) just make their own models with their own work and are able to enjoy the benefits of AI while any small group just has yet another disadvantage. It will probably be these big companies pushing for anti-AI/“pro artist” laws.