It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
maybe just making sure we know it wasn’t someone else who amazingly reached 40-year-old-woman level of humor, but a 40-year-old woman achieving the typical amazing level of humor they’re known for
Unfortunately, it’s exponential. You’re a 4x adult.
Yes, you could use the VPS as your web server, and probably map a connection to your other storage.
Or, if you’re confident it won’t cause problems, run a web server directly on your current storage provider if that’s possible (such as with a dedicated server).
Plus, you can move your files to a different provider very easily—especially if you’re routinely backing up.
And iOS and Android both have apps for sending files over ssh.
If it’s for your usage, you have a little cash to spare, and you can follow software guides, I would recommend a VPS with Apache or Nginx web server. OVH has VPSs for about ~$5/mo. for 40GB of space.
For a little more money, you could use a web host and not have to worry about installation or security.
Dreamhost has a $8/mo. plan with 50GB storage, and $14/mo. unlimited storage.
Either way, you’d also need to spend less than $20/yr. on a domain name.
You can just do a simple HTML index (w3schools can teach you in ten minutes) and then use ssh (FileZilla) to put images into a folder structure of your choosing.
Is there even a shadow of a doubt?
Return to the office empowers the cartels.
I read a study one time about lawyers who were more likely to offer pro bono work than to do a job when paid lower than their going rate.
You should first just ask the developer(s) of the software if they’ll add the feature. They could say yes.
If you enjoy the motion of adding it and removing it, continue onto climax as it pleases you.
antisocial media
… and not very cash money of them.
Fat Upper Mexico Area
When I had trouble sleeping, I would have even more trouble sleeping because I was upset I wasn’t sleeping. Then I read somewhere that just lying there with your eyes closed and not moving was like 80-90% as effective as actual sleep.
I didn’t bother to check if that was true, but it did allow me to let go of worrying whether I was sleeping. And that allowed me to actually fall asleep.
Christmas morning at grandparents when everyone was done opening presents sitting alone in a corner building a Lego set with no worries about responsibilities or time constraints.
Was his eye poked out by the spear
or pecked out by the crow?
I’m too scared to ask him.