• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • “I won’t vote for Biden because Israel refuses to sign a ceasefire” bullshit

    Fun fact: support in the form of weapons and political cover from the governments of the UK, Germany, and ESPECIALLY the US is why the fascist apartheid regime hasn’t been FORCED to stop the genocide several months ago.

    He knows this and even though the majority of his prospective voters are IMPLORING him to stop participating in a genocide in their name, even though he KNOWS that it’s likely to cost him the election and even though he KNOWS that it’s likely to be the last one ever if he does lose, he still refuses.

    He’s putting his Zionist ideology and his stubborn inability to admit fault ahead of not just Gazan lives, but also the survival of American democracy and the universality of international law.

    Even KAMALA would be a better choice than someone so completely out of touch with and devoid of respect for the ideals and institutions he’s supposed to be protecting.

    Still better than Trump, though, so we just have to keep pretending that the old war criminal is perfect, lest the Blue No Matter Who apparatchiks lob spurious allegations of fascist loyalties at us 😮‍💨🤦

  • There’s brain activity involved in watching movies too*. Just because you’re not changing it doesn’t mean that you’re not emotionally and intellectually engaged.

    You’re right that gaming as an art form and pastime doesn’t get the respect that it’s due compared to the ones that were already popular when boomers were kids, though…

    *even if it’s one that stars Kevin James, Rob Schneider or Adam Sandler in his signature role “Angry Dumb Guy”

  • Fun fact: the existence of atrocity factories like CIA and the US military doesn’t mean that benevolent public agencies, institutions, and social programs don’t exist.

    Just like you being against murdering innocents abroad and also against paying your fair share to help protect them domestically, the US government contains both good and evil parts.

    Unlike you, though, millions of people would not be able to survive without the good that government does.