It’s a subscription at 29.99 a month so…
It’s a subscription at 29.99 a month so…
Someone ended up with new wipers that way lol, it was heavily raining and my wipers where starting to not work properly. So I stopped at a Walmart and bought new wipers, came out the store and installed them right away. Then I noticed it was not my car when I saw a pack of smokes on the dash (I don’t smoke).
I installed his old wipers on my car and left. His where worse than my old ones, I stopped at another Walmart and bought a second set lol.
I did not wand to reinstall his old ones as I broke a cosmetic clip on one if them and felt I should just give him the new ones for it was my mistake.
Now I wonder the suprise of that person when they came out of the Walmart started their car and had perfectly working wipers instead if his old fucked ones. It rained all day so they must have noticed given the state of their old ones.
This has to spread enough for orange turd to watch !
At least it wouldn’t set before I leave work !
Oh, they know, now they are surely on a meeting trying to figure out how much of personal Security details they need to keep going the way they always gone. It’s much cheaper to get security following your CEO’S than to stop denying claims they should accept. It’s all about $$$.
Me neither and found it normal to find some eagerness to this type of CEO’S demise.
The camera module itself can be powered off if properly designed and the led should be powered from the same source.
At 50$ a pop it’s 40 000 000$ Grifters gonna grift ! Sometimes I hate that I have morals stopping me from exploiting those morons.
He learned that he was going to hell since he loved boys’ I guess.
Woodward’s defence attorney said he was confused about his sexuality, having grown up in a Catholic home where homosexuality was openly criticised.
Beautiful, great light and saturation.
Well their quota was bust if no one was drunk driving. They would have to work harder.
So an old dementia patient can be president but not a young active person who will also be affected by her decisions in the future, is too young ? You can go fight in a war at 18 but not president? WTF !
You will put an old relic in power who will not care about the long future since they won’t be there !
I am not an American, (I’m Canadian) I don’t know Tim at all. I heard AOC before and wonder why she is not your president yet lol she’s so great. But this little clip makes ne feel like Tim is a great dude. I wonder why the orange turd and his crazy running mate have any chances at all in the election !
Like you have the choice between some crazy criminals and some good people and it’s a tight race ? I don’t get it.
They already don’t pay taxes anyways, so pay up or leave is perfectly ok but remember to pay you sales tax when you sell your mansions and cottages.
Those people are not the right color for him so he will gladly throw them out.
The problem with that is that vulnerability will be found and used. Since it’s connected to the internet it will be exposed to attackers and could be infected with botnet viruses/tools and used to attack other computer/services.
If I open a store in my town and start selling fake crap I can’t go and say “sorry not my fault I’m just a reseller you need to deal with the guy who sold it to me” I will be brought to court and loose why is Amazon allowed to sell fakes and non UL complient equipment?
I see a huge difference in picture quality especially at night in my latest phone. And I now kind of like the bump on my pixel 8, I used to use my pinky to prevent the phone from slipping down and it got to a point where it hurts due to the phone weight. But with the pixel 8 I often use the bump with all my fingers holding the weight preventing my pinky from being torn away.
No never created an account wit IRS or DMV as I am not American. And fir all the bit leaks that happened recently I for sure don’t want a company in charge of verifying people ID.
Price per 100g should not change.