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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • Upgrade to one with power. Never look back. Automatic flush, automatic seat raise and lower with a foot sensor, uv lights inside, foam/soap dispense into the bowl before and after, all the bidet features with constant and pulsing, articulating arm, heated seat, heated blow dry air, etc. It’s absolutely amazing.

    Assuming you’re in the US just because the question only seems to come up there, and for our house there we imported them from Asia for less than $1k to the doorstep. Adding a power outlet is usually easy as most washrooms in the US have an outlet somewhere.

    Bidet is like going to level 100 from 5. Super automatic Asian bidet is like a level 5000.

  • Many telecom operators have a special code that is used for recording. When you’re making a call, you or the other party may press the record button. This will save both the input via microphone and the output via the speakers as one audio file for future use. When you press this button a special code is sent back to the telecom.

    Until recently most places in the USA did not do anything with this code. But now it’s catching up to the rest of the world. Once this is pressed, a voice will tell both parties that they are being recorded in the recording. This is so that you can’t later say “I didn’t know they were recording me!” and if you have every-party consent laws, then that recording is illegal so it cannot be used as evidence and the person recording could actually be charged with a crime.

    You can start the recording with an accidental face press, pocket press, keypad entry, or a malicious app. If either of you accidentally started it, then there’s your answer. If neither of you did, then most likely one of you is infected or one of you were connected to a relay tower decrypting your calls and then passing them through to a real tower. Whoever was operating this relay station was a n00b idiot though. Both are concerning.

  • I’ve voted D every time. This question is ridiculous because most people are NOT better off and those that are, are all on the low end of the financial spectrum where the short term income gains have made a difference.

    Even the best stats I see from the Democrats show 8% better income adjusted for inflation. That’s awesome! But what inflation? The low fed number. Not the CPI.

    This means for anyone who purchases things, or where purchasing things is a larger proportion of their income which is everyone below the top 0.5% or 1% in the USA, your effective wage has gone down 10% to 40% depending on what your personal income raise was. Those that job hopped, are only down a bit. Those that didn’t are screwed.

    Everytime this question gets asked, I look around and not a single person I know is better off now from income. Not a damn one. You know what is doing better? Stock portfolios. I have them, I’m up. My friends have them, they’re up. We have traded realized daily losses in living for stock market unrealized gains. The average person doesn’t have stocks. They just get shafted completely.

    It’s incomprehensible to me how low Democrats have gone to just blatantly lie and gas light. That’s a Republican move. And every one of the people smart enough to actually think, gets a little more pissed off when they’re gas lit into trying to believe that 20% year over year multiple years in a row of inflation is good. That’s batshit.

  • Road trip? Usually week or night of.

    Airline travel within 4 hours, domestic or international is usually 2 days before hand.

    Airline travel across the world is usually planned as a time block a month or two ahead of time. The actual destination and activities being planned as the dates get closer.

    Exceptions are scheduled events. If I have an event to attend in a location, I’ll make a hotel reservation and book tickets for the thing. Then checkup options for travel there. Sometimes it’s part of a multileg journey.

    Often I don’t know where in the world I will even be the week leading up to the thing. So I tend to either not purchase travel tickets, or buy a few different ones from hubs globally that are cheap and easy to get to.

  • Unsurprisingly almost all non-negative news of the arab world is suppressed. Yes the path is full normalization and fully legally protected.

    The major difference in the UAE is that the judicial system is victim based. Not DA based. Basically the government leaves you alone for most of these things except if a party to the “crime” on the books complains.

    So for abortion, if 2 expats hook up and a need an abortion it’s basically like California. You make an appointment, you get it done, you get prescription meds, all good. No protestors anywhere, ever.

    If someone hooks up with a deeply conservative person and they disagree with the abortion, then legally they’re correct. And it can be stopped unless as outlined for the reasons in the article now. But just like in the redneck states, most of the conservatives are not against it when it benefits them or they need it.

    Which brings it all back to nobody cares. And having been someone who has taken women to get their abortions in the US (as a friend only!) that walk of pressure and shame is ridiculous. The last time was like a friggin spy movie. We got a location to go to 1hr before the appointment. We parked there. An unmarked van pulls up, and you get in. You put on covers for your clothes and face. The van drives you to the clinic, parks near a rear entrance, and you run inside while all the “Christians” scream at you, throw blood at you, call you a murderer, etc. Then after the woman has the procedure and has to go back, has to do it in reverse in pain. And the van does like 30 minutes of evasive driving down random roads until they finally double back to wherever your car is. This was in a purple area of a blue state btw. The clinic had people routinely shoot it up (at night, not with people in it), try to light it on fire, harass employees, etc.

    It’s absolutely horrifying.