I read エロゲ and haunt AO3. I’ve been learning Japanese for far too long. I like GNOME, KDE, and Sway.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • It’s been 5 years. I don’t think they’re going to change the license to allow distributions to distribute MongoDB more easily.

    We should actively be against corporate leeching.

    In a world without free software, Amazon will build their own proprietary software for servers that is better than everyone else’s, and will be in the same position. At least with Redis, multiple employees of AWS were core maintainers for Redis. It isn’t like Amazon didn’t contribute anything back. Now that it’s non-free, they’ll just fork it. Again.

    All this really accomplishes is making licensing a headache for everybody, which is the main reason people and organizations use free software.

    I think free software developers should be able to make money from their software, and money from working on their software. I also think everyone else should be able to, too.

    To put it another way, open source means surrendering your monopoly over commercial exploitation.

    Additionally, Elasticsearch does not belong to Elastic. Redis doesn’t belong to Redis, either.

  • Maybe a different perspective could help?

    YouTube advertising works a little differently to, say, Facebook. For advertisements longer than 30 seconds, the advertiser doesn’t pay if the user hits “Skip”. Ad-blocking users are far less likely to watch ads to completion, so I can imagine this having almost no impact on conversion.

    I believe this change, if it is successful in blocking ad-blockers, will generally be detrimental to advertisers. It means advertisements shorter than 30 seconds (so, unskippable ads) are now shown to a larger proportion of people unlikely to be interested or paying attention to the advertisement. It’s beneficial to YouTube because they can claw back some of the money they spend serving ad-blocking users videos—that ain’t free. That being said, YouTube is still probably one of the most friendly big platforms to advertisers because of how flexible they are. While it uses the Google Ads system, it’s more friendly than Google search ads…

    I missed an opportunity to ask someone who did a lot of YouTube advertising whether they noticed any impact at all from the recent ad-blocker blocking change recently, so this is all speculation.

  • I don’t try explaining this stuff anymore. I’m extremely bad at it and I know most people will either not care or not care enough. And that’s fine. It’s easier to let people think I’m a luddite. I prefer to wait for them to ask me why I use technology differently than to preach to them, and most of the time, they don’t ask. It’s always easier to let people convince themselves than to try to convince them.

    I tell them to install Signal and message me there, and if they don’t want to do that, they can SMS me. Signal is a better idea if they want faster responses as I rarely check my phone but do check Signal Desktop fairly regularly. I have tried to get KDE Connect working so I can respond to SMS more timely but it was annoying and I gave up.

  • 15 years ago, I thought I wanted to make a game. Turns out, I didn’t.

    A few years ago, I sought out Linux. Learning to use it has made me so much more confident and excited about technology. I understood so much more. And yet, it feels like I don’t understand nearly enough. So I’m learning programming so I can start looking through codebases for the projects I use, maybe seeing if I can add new features or fix some bugs that are annoying me. I’ve sort of accomplished that goal for one program. There are also some programs that don’t exist, or don’t exist in the way I want them to that I intend on developing.

    I’d like to learn reverse engineering too…

    Well, I guess I’m a programmer only by technicality. I haven’t done anything serious and I’m certainly not decent at the art. I’m just curious. 🐇

  • I haven’t missed a thing. I don’t even get most of my news from Lemmy or Reddit communities; I get it from RSS feeds or books. I lurked /r/linux for a long time after I stopped actively contributing. It wasn’t until a few months ago that I started contributing to Lemmy, the first collection of online communities I’ve been a part of in years. I’m of two minds about it.

    I’m actually grateful for it because I started complaining about things that have bothered me for a long time, and The Great Lemmy Migration made me realize, well, there’s no reason I can’t do something about that. It helped me change my attitude. So, in a very real way, I’ve contributed to several upstream projects because Lemmy made me rethink things and I am now less annoyed. It’s weird how Lemmy feels like an actual community in the way no other social site (including Reddit) has.

    On the flip side, I think I spend too much time on Lemmy…but this week has been uniquely rough.

  • It’s a good movie, but I find myself completely confused by the driving part at the end. The people who were in the van manage to catch up to him almost immediately, suggesting that the other guy could have just run across the distance to get to the van in the first place, saving everyone all the drama and hilarity.

    I thought Wargames was a pretty good one too (mostly). It’s by the same writers.

    The NET is…fun…

    That’s a nice piece of hardware you’ve got there.