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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • In the store if you’re getting the phone from a store, or somewhere with wifi (home, a friend’s, a cafe) if you’ve gotten it some other way.

    If you don’t have any of those, you probably live way out in the jungle, and I’d be surprised if you had service even if you got the eSIM. But in the edge case that you somehow got home delivery postal service in the jungle, you’d probably be able to survive just fine without it until your next trip into town.

    In the extreme edge case that you are in the jungle, get service, and your need is critical, I would have an activated backup phone tested periodically and ready to go.

  • Pentagon officials also failed for two days last week to notify Austin’s second-in-command that he had transferred authority to her while he was in the ICU, and while she was in Puerto Rico.

    That’s the real goof. I don’t really see a problem with the secdef being hospitalized and not immediately notifying the President. They need DoD stuff, they call on him, and if he’s not available, for any reason, it should immediately fall to the deputy. The White House staff, and especially the deputy, should have been told.

    Ultimately this just seems to have been a breakdown in communication, but even if war were declared, I don’t think it would have been a significant issue. This is media hype bs to distract from real issues.