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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

  • Don’t date conservatives, …, don’t associate with them, being MAGA should result in your total ostracization.

    The closest I ever got to this with family was when I invited my folks to a semi-fancy wine and cheese kinda place and my stepdad showed up wearing an “LGBT - Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump” t-shirt. But he was never very politically coherent - he literally complained about “socialized medicine” when they were debating the ACA during the Obama admin while sitting in a hospital bed filling out the paperwork to apply for medicare. He spent his last few years angrily bitching about immigrants, despite being a German immigrant and also bitching about any time he had to supply his citizenship paperwork in any context as though the very idea he ever had to prove his citizenship was offensive.

  • I used to argue that whoever was ultimately responsible for safety at a chemical plant should be required to have them and their family live close enough that if shot goes wrong, they’ll definitely be among the worst effected.

    But then I live within the greater Charleston, WV area, and there’s a plant in a town called Institute here that makes and handles MIC, most notoriously known for being made less poisonous for use as pesticide and being the stuff that leaked and caused the Bhopal incident back when.

  • That analogy was chosen for a reason. Ada was originally developed by DOD committee and a French programming team to be a programming language for Defense projects between 1977 and 1983 that they were still using at least into the early 2000s. It’s based on Pascal.

    It was intended for applications where reliability was the highest priority (above things like performance or ease of use) and one of the consequences of that is that there are no warnings - only compiler errors, and a lot of common bad practices that will be allowed to fly or maybe at worst generate a warning in other languages will themselves generate compiler errors. Do it right or don’t bother trying. No implicit typecasting, even something like 1 + 0.5 where it’s obvious what is intended is a compiler error because you are trying to add an integer to a real without explicitly converting either - you’re in extremely strongly-typed country here.

    Libraries are split across two files, one is essentially the interfaces for the library and the other is it’s implementation (not that weird, and not that different than C/C++ header files though the code looks closer to Pascal interface and implementation sections put in separate files). The intent at the time being that different teams or different subcontractors might be building each module and by establishing a fixed interface up front and spelling out in great detail in documentation what each piece of that interface is supposed to do the actual implementation could be done separately and hypothetically have a predictable result.