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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Companies see that as a mistake. They want you on a subscription for life that they can arbitrarily change at any time.

    Profits not increasing enough for this quarter? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads.

    Profits increased amazingly this quarter? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads.

    Profits down? Better cut content, increase prices, increase the number of ads, and start adding extra paywalls to some content

    They want you to own nothing. Oh you unsubscribed? Sorry even the content you paid extra to unlock was only available while your subscription continued, you will need to start your subscription again and then pay to unlock the content again.

    A show isn’t popular enough? Better write it off, pull it from all distribution so you can claim it as a tax write off

  • If you have docker containers and other stuff all on that USB drive I’d really reccomend getting it all off that USB (not just logging) and onto a proper drive of some kind. USB thumb sticks are not reliable long term storage, you will wake up to find the drive failing one day and good chance you lose everything on it with little to no warning.

  • Similar to alcohol or drugs, legalisation can make things safer. As a bonus it can also open a new revenue stream for government through taxes.

    Look at the legalisation of weed in some American states. Instead of a shady dealer you could go into a store. Instead of whatever they had at the time, you have known quality goods. Yes, there’s a lot more nuance to it than that, but the general idea is that it takes away randomness/unknowns, and as a bonus: organised crime that would otherwise have been profiting from the industry lose out.*

    For gambling the same kind of logic applies. People are going to be gambling anyway, so add in some legal frameworks that can make sure that things are more of a known value, and hopefully less likely to cause harm. Perfect example: you get stiffed on a win? If it’s an off the books thing and you complain you’ll probably end up with broken legs. If it’s a legalised thing you could go to court or a regulatory body.

  • Judge: When she yelled out please don’t shoot, why did you shoot?

    Officer: What I thought she said was “Please, shoot! He has an AK hidden underneath his shorts! Also they identify as a black FTM gay atheist!”

    Judge: Understandable, I think I can hear that as well upon reviewing the footage again, case dismissed!


    I feel for the family, mental health issues are not an easy thing to handle even when being treated. My grandmother had issues later in life including dementia and a few times we had to make sure to keep sharp objects out of the picture. It’s not easy. I hope that this helps improve things for others down the line in some way, improved police training, improved awareness, something.

  • Given the abstract nature of a lot of the economy these days (which unsurprisingly benefits those with wealth) it’s debatable if it fits to be honest. I would lean more towards yes. They would argue that by exposing bad conditions, helping people lower the cost, causing a rental to go empty, or whatever else means they aren’t getting the money they feel entitled to.

    The same kind of arguments are often used when corporations argue that piracy is stealing. All that has happened is an unauthorised copy of a movie/etc had been created. Yet that is called stealing and they try and fine people sometimes thousands more than what a legal copy would cost.

  • Both.

    The top 0.01% are able to exert more and more influence over the world, and are using it to concentrate wealth even more into their own pockets.

    And regular people have access to smartphones that allow them to communicate worldwide instantly. The cost of more basic smartphones has plummeted, so more people have more cameras connected straight to social media.

    But it’s also that some things are genuinely worse. I am fairly sure that there are still more slaves alive today than at any other point in history. However as a percentage I believe it’s lower, it’s just due to the world population being so high.

  • Mine is nice and quick in regards to the web interface and general functions. However I run it on a server at home and my upload speed isn’t the best, so if I need to pull a larger file (Files On Demand enabled) then obviously the transfer speed of the file is a bit sluggish.

    Hosted on a VM with 16GB RAM, 4 cores. Using the NextcloudAIO docker deployment option, all behind an Apache reverse proxy (I have a bunch of other services on another VM that all have reverse proxy access in place as well).