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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I also have to subscribe to and use Adobe software but suggesting it’s less buggy and less expensive than other apps is delusional.

    The moment you try and do anything outside of basic image editing, Photoshop immediately shits the bed.

    It’s riddled with features that were half developed or half removed. Tried using any of the 3D stuff? It pops up a box saying “We’ve abandoned this and it probably won’t work, but go ahead and try because we haven’t properly removed it”. Using artboards? Probably not, since half the app seems to break with them, including their brand new features like Live Gradients that rearrange themselves when you save.

    Looking for a filter? Well there’s 2 places to look since they seem to have lost interest in the filter gallery half way through, then piled mediocre AI filters on top. It’ll be a slow search, since for some reason some popup windows take fully 3 seconds to open, probably due to their 4 different UI systems in various states of abandoned.

    Photoshop is widely used today because it was good 15 years ago. If someone hasn’t already creating a leaner, more stable, better designed, more ambitious piece of software, it’s only a matter of time until they do.

  • Maybe I’m old

    Sounds like you’re not forced to spend 5 days a week at a location targeted by mass shooters.

    The media has been pushing division for decades now to keep the money hungry corporations happy. Local news has all been bought up.

    Firearm manufacturers have been making record profits selling guns to people who shouldn’t have them, then using lobby groups to donate $16 million a year to Republicans – a figure that conspicuously doubled in 2012 after Sandy Hook.

    But of course they’re not “money hungry corporations” putting profits before lives, it’s all the medias fault for greedily reporting on things that happened.

    I’m sad about that students hardship, and am happy they were able to tell their father they loved them.

    You’re not very good at pretending to have emotions and compassion.

    Hearing your peers being indiscriminately executed and surviving through nothing but dumb luck is not a “hardship”, it’s trauma on par with living in a war zone.

    There is nothing at all “happy” about a child fearing for their lives and calling their father to say their last words. It’s genuinely surreal to see you describe it like that. Who are you happy for?

    I just recognize that it is pushing a fear based narrative to become fish in a barrel and embrace death during a crisis

    Word salad.

  • It matters because the Gun Violence Archive and the uncritical mass media are inflating the statistic to make people scared so they can push an agenda

    Bullshit. You’re attacking it because it’s counter to your agenda.

    Republicans, right-wing media, the gun lobby and the pro-gun community routinely fearmonger as a way to boost their own profits and power.

    Not only do you not care when they do it, you’ve enthusiastically put yourself and your own family in more danger because of it.

    You’re hopelessly compromised and your thoughts about how gun violence statistics are about as trustworthy as a cops views on police brutality statistics.

  • I didn’t claim the number could be 0, I claimed the acceptable number is 0.

    Following every one of those shootings you linked, people demanded to know how it happened. Why did they have a gun? Was there warning signs that were missed? Was anybody negligent? How can we stop it from happening again and limiting the damage if it does?

    That is the reaction of a society that finds any number above 0 unacceptable. They treat mass shootings as a failure of the system.

    Meanwhile in America, they don’t bother to ask those questions.

    They had a gun because it’s trivial to get your hands on semi-automatic rifles and handguns, even if you can’t pass a background check, because there are millions of unsecured weapons and no universal background checks.

    The police and politicians are deliberately negligent, staunchly opposing red flag laws despite most mass shooters having multiple red flags.

    No effort is made to prevent it happening again, because the murder of 20 children is shrugged off as some kind of inevitability, no more preventable than an earthquake or tornado – much the same as you’re doing right now.

    Limiting the damage isn’t just staunchly opposed by the pro-gun community, many of them fully support making more dangerous weaponry available.

    These are not the actions of people who find all gun violence unacceptable and the only reason the Ulvade police are criticized and the Newtown police are given a pass is because the Ulvade police didn’t bother to pretend they cared.