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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • As I said, I think the result for the Palestinian people is going to be a worsening of the situation for Palestinians.

    So here’s the core issue: Palestinians will never earn their freedom out of Israeli goodwill. Any gains will have to be made in spite of Israel’s insistence that they’re entitled to all of Palestine. No matter what method you pick, things will have to get worse before they get better. This is independent of whether this particular method will work or not.

    That said, I do not have any ideas for how to actually accomplish a two state solution.

    Exactly. What Hamas is doing is ugly, but they (and Palestinian resistance as a whole) are doing what they can in an impossible situation. Of course this is aside from the dictatorship aspect; they should definitely stop doing that. Anyway what I’m trying to say is: There’s only one way forward for Palestinians and it’s to force Israel to keep destroying Western goodwill until it’s all gone. They’re doing a good job on that department, which is what I was referring to as “results”. Remember that 2024 is the first time Palestine becomes an election issue in the West in 20 years. What Israel lost in this genocide cannot be underestimated.

  • I think there are other possible conclusions that are less about anything good and more about destroying perceived enemies.

    I’m not talking about those actions. Hamas has participated in too many good faith negotiations, both with Israel and the PNA, for an organization that only cares about its own existence. See for example: 2013-2014 unity government, 2008 ceasefire, 2012-2013 ceasefire.

    While I support a Two State Solution, I don’t think this is good strategy for accomplishing it, and is far more likely to accelerate the destruction of the Palestinian people.

    Then what do you suggest instead?

    I don’t see hamas as freedom fighters at all. I see them as misguided jihadists with an effective propaganda wing and a savvy sense for politics.

    I mean they produce results. You can think there are better ways (I don’t see them, but maybe they exist), but you can’t argue with results.

  • I appreciate the sentiment, but somebody should’ve pointed out to them how many genocides we’ve stopped vs how many we’ve allowed to happen over the past half century.

    I’m not sure I get the point. Who’s “we” and what did they do?

    If hamas was really interested in Palestinian freedom, they would have granted elections in the region they controlled.

    Hamas definitely wants power, that’s for sure. I’m not saying they’re a good government. But Palestinian freedom from Palestinians and Palestinian freedom from Israel are two completely different things. Hamas is definitely authoritarian, but they also genuinely want freedom for Palestine. Their actions over the past 20 years can only point to that conclusion.

  • And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands… until the end of the verse.

    Surah al nur, verse 31.

    It then explicitly assumes that they’re wearing a headcover. The main debate around this verse and similar ones is whether the face and hands must be covered or not, and not whether everything else must be covered.