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Popularity and approval rating are not the same. Approval trating is asking peoplehow he is doing as POTUS. Popularity determines if you know who they are.
Yeah that’s because of their religions and skin tones. Trust me the racism directed at the Turkish application in the early 2000s was intense the problem is many Europeans think race isn’t an issue in their country despite the evidence to the contrary.
there are no approval ratings for a day one POTUS.
Judaism is a pan-racial ethnicity. Someone can be white and Jewish just like one could be Ethiopian and Jewish.
and the 1977? Likud campaign slogan was the inspiration for Hamas’ slogan.
I suspect this coin might not be a complete rugpull though. I suspect the rugpull cones at the end if his term or when he dies whichever comes first.
I believe it was because under Trump Israel would get better terms as Miriam Adelson paid for that.
Put down whatever it is that’s causing ypu to believe Trump is beloved by most. He has the second lowest approval rating in history.
What would that mean for foreigners detained for crimes committed outside the USA? We had a bunch of people in Guantanamo at one point who met those circumstances.
Those are lying, they’re all Mikes
The catch is as tourists they are substantially less likely to experience this if they stick to tourist areas.
There’s sone subtle differences but fascism is modeled after the Roman Republic with intense nationalism thrown in. The salute the Romans did was the fascist salute.
They are looking to avoid libel suits from Musk and Trump.
That’s because we don’t need to fill our battery anymore. The warning is because of those older folks who did sip the battery acid.
Surprisingly they’re all named “Mike”
Sixty years ago as this article was published in 2014
How about you tell him it goes against the teachings of Christ? That’s supposed to mean something to his followers.
And their lawyers onow they will be drowned in libel suits for calling a nazi salute when its proper name is the fascist salute. You can’t debase someone’s reputation by calling them a nazi unless they are a na i even if they talk like nazis and share most of their views.