Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I’m not sure whether you’re kidding, but I wouldn’t complain either.

    Five and six are not good games, but played in co-op, slightly drunk, they are a riot of cringe, ridiculousness and camp.

    We laughed our asses off in the Ada story sections where the second player constantly pops into existence as a faceless “agent” because Ada doesn’t normally have a companion, but they had to make her sections somehow playable in co-op.

    The games are top tier material to laugh at.

  • You really can’t see how a child can fall through the cracks of a fucked government care system and fall in with people who would take advantage of them?

    Just warn all the kids off strangers, no way some won’t hear it, ignore it, or literally do the opposite of what they’re told for stupid childish reasons.

    Brilliant thinking my friend, lets just tell all our kids not to get kidnapped, human trafficking, solved!

    And before you get semantic on me, manipulating a child into coming with you against their own interests even as it is then not taking them against their will, is still kidnapping.

  • That’s less than a non-response. Self-inflicted sabotage of your own credibility.

    Openly advertising your inability to understand why you disagree well enough to make others comprehend your stance with actual sentences that mean things.

    So you try to pretend that a witty remark counts for something.

    If you ever genuinely tried good-faith discussion, you’d see how little sense your position makes as you’d struggle to put together arguments that actually convince anyone.

    Obviously this person shouldn’t be walking free, and needs serious rehabilitation.

    But the same way adult ex-cons who end up back in prison in the US within months of release due to a fucked justice system, are victims, this literal child groomed into a tool to enact violence at the behest of others, is even moreso.

  • Yeah.

    Kill that guy for us, or we’ll kill you, you owe us, sorta requires understanding death.

    You think these kids take the “deal” knowing where it leads? Even some adults are easy to manipulate… so a fourteen-year-old?

    I’d agree that some teen that kills of their own volition isn’t innocent… But there’s a literal gang involved that is actively grooming kids for murder.

    As for the government letting it happen, agreed. Modern politics, legislation, and government executive branches address problems at a snails pace. Often actively causing them because politicians refuse to enact laws based on what is known, rather than what they feel.

    Kinda like you, feeling like the victimhood of this actual child shouldn’t be acknowledged.

    An attempt to address this with such a tainted perspective surely wouldn’t cause problems. /S

  • The kid is a victim.

    And in Sweden what in the US would be called a “juvenile detention center” would fall under the term of “youth home”. He wasn’t returned to the same one.

    I don’t think they’re exactly leaving him unguarded, being underage, there isn’t another type of facility suited for legally incarcerating him. These facilities essentially double as juvie and orphanages.

    Mixing kids who are simply in government care with ones that are violent, was never a good idea though. These two systems should be separate, because it’s now turning the former into the latter.

    According to accounts for this story from eight sources including a former gang member, several youth home workers, prosecutors and criminologists, the homes have turned into recruiting grounds for gangs, who use them to enlist killers too young to be jailed.

    Gangs have essentially found a loophole for legal murder. Get a child to do it.

    They’re the ones masterminding this shit. It’s not like these actual children, with government rooves over their heads, are taking on contract killing to make ends meet.

  • That’s a cynical way to put it, if technically correct. Manipulation has a negative connotation for people, but people don’t communicate for exclusively malicious reasons.

    You might as well say that any conscious entity only acts out of reason, to get food, joy, rest… Or that it isn’t possible to speak without words. That much goes without saying. Everyone knows that, which makes this an odd thing to bring up in this thread.

    And I’d suggest that you can’t prove that a conscious entity without reason ceases to act. We’ve all surely done something or other for “no particular reason” even if an outward observer might assign one.

    Does that mean it’s possible to speak without meaning anything in particular? I genuinely don’t know.

    But I can be sure of one thing, that speaking with the intent to achieve one thing, almost never achieves that exact thing. Is failed manipulation still manipulation? Is unintended manipulation still manipulation? People interpret meaning where non was meant all the time.

  • Lots of drugs and foodstuffs have biological effects we don’t understand.

    Medicine doesn’t always work by looking at exactly how a molecule interacts with every other molecule in a living organism, but rather by simply observing the effects.

    It doesn’t kill, and it works for most people. Ok, it doesn’t for you, that happens. But I can tell you for a fact it does for me.

    That we don’t understand how it works doesn’t stop it from working, and that it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it’s useless for everyone else.

    I for one am happy I was able to buy paracetamol in addition to ibuprofen when I needed it to sleep during an extremely painful ear infection, because no over the counter drug on its own was enough.

    If anything, public knowledge on what exactly it can and cannot do should be improved, as well as what side effects mean you need to look for something else.

    I live in a country where there are strict laws regarding advertising of medical devices and drugs, so there’s very little “snake oil” bs around medicines here. If you let them brands try to claim every mild effect an effective ingredient might have makes their product a cure-all for a litany of symptoms.

    Asking a pharmacist for a recommendation is always a good idea, that’s how I found out I could “stack” the painkilling effect of paracetamol and ibuprofen, and it worked extremely well.

    Obviously, it would have been less ideal if like you I experienced side effects when taking paracetamol.

  • No.

    Paracetamol/Acetaminophen is well understood, and an effective drug when used where applicable.

    You are right in that nausea and abdominal pain are common side effects for some people, and simply means you should be trying something else. I’ve personally never suffered this.

    Its ability to reduce fever is unclear, and even in high doses the difference it appears to make is minor. But for pain-relief there is no doubt as to its efficacy, though its effect is inferior to most other drugs available.

    However, when taken together with ibuprofen, it provides pain-relief even more powerful than either drug alone.

    If your problem is with the brand Tylenol advertising it like snake oil, then you likely have a point.

    It can’t relieve cold symptoms except for a stuffy nose or significantly reduce fever. It’s basically just a very weak painkiller. I only ever take it if ibuprofen isn’t doing enough.