• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I have the exact same frustration. Reddit has been a complete mess for years. Unfortunately, Lemmy is only slightly better, and still seems to be astroturfed and filled with overconfident, unintelligent people who spread misinformation. I shared the link above on one of the /c/reddit lemmy communities and it was heavily astroturfed and then deleted by a mod for a ridiculous reason.

    I posted in various other communities about a completely different topic and the only intelligent response I received was a PM.

    I’ve blocked close to a hundred “fluff” (low-quality) communities on Lemmy, so my feed is highly curated. But the fluff/low-quality communities vastly outnumber the high-quality ones. One of the problems may simply be that intelligent people are rare, and are not spending their time on sites like Lemmy.

    People keep making threads about this, and speculating that Lemmy might be astroturfed by people who don’t want to see it succeed. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a viable solution. You would need extremely competent and active moderators, or we have to wait until AI becomes advanced enough to neutrally and accurately moderate.

    This is one reason I opted to move my Reddit communities to a forum instead of Lemmy. The problem with that is small forums don’t show up on search engines. Some forum software teams are joining the fediverse though, so that should help. But not all forums have intelligent people either, so it’s definitely a struggle to find these days.

  • Instead of setting up one nginx for multiple sites you run one nginx per site and have the settings for that as part of the site repository.

    Doesn’t that require a lot of resources since you’re running (mysql, nginx, etc.) numerous times (once for each container), instead of once globally?

    Or, per your comment below:

    Since the base image is static, and config is per container, one image can be used to run multiple containers. So if you have a postgres image, you can run many containers on that image. And specify different config for each instance.

    You’d only have two instances of postgres, for example, one for all docker containers and one global/server-wide? Still, that doubles the resources used no?

  • Lemmy has pretty much all the same problems as reddit does but at a much smaller scale because it’s just not as big. Would you suggest Google use Lemmy?

    I agree, and I covered that in my blog. Lemmy is astroturfed and may even be easier to astroturf than reddit. I would like to see a more diversified “discussions and forums”, that’s not just reddit links.

    In general, privately-owned forums (running Xenforo, etc.) seem much better run than most reddit subs. I have never experienced the plethora of problems with reddit, on forums. I think it’s harder to spam and astroturf forums, and the owners & moderators have different incentives than reddit mods.

    The bar to entry as a new person on smaller forums was often high.

    I don’t remember experiencing that, but it makes me think of the bar to entry for running a reddit sub. Anyone can instantly create one for free and do whatever they want with it and get on the top of search results pretty quickly. Setting up your own forum is a lot more difficult and more of a commitment. I think there are benefits to that.

    I agree with your last paragraph. I think the type of warnings Twitter implemented are a decent idea. I think in general people need more warnings that what they see on reddit and other social media is not policed for legal content – people can and do say whatever they like, and much of what people say is misinformation and disinformation.

    I don’t think most people realize that reddit and other social media platforms have no obligation to take down illegal content. People seem WAY too trusting of things they read on reddit. If Google is going to be highlighting reddit results and putting them at the top, then they bear some responsibility for this.

    Since the CDA’s passage in 1996, § 230© has been consistently interpreted by U.S. courts to provide broad immunity to platforms for hosting and facilitating a wide range of illegal content—from defamatory speech to hate speech to terrorist and extremist content.12 Notice of illegal content is irrelevant to such immunity.13 Thus, even if a platform like YouTube is repeatedly and clearly notified that it is hosting harmful content (such as ISIS propaganda videos), the platform remains immune from liability for hosting such harmful content.

  • Interesting. As soon as you posted your dishonest comment and it got 100% upvoted, the other comments in this thread seemed to have been vote-brigaded by the same people.

    Lawyers will not take on your case unless they think there is a solid chance of financial or reputational gain beyond the standard hourly fee. They are telling you in the most professional way possible that they see no merit in spending their time on your theory’s reputation

    My suspicion is that they feel your… zeal and passion for your theory is bordering on fanatical. They don’t want to work with fanatics.

    This is entirely false and dishonestly fabricated by you. A lawyer never said anything remotely like that, and in no way was such a thing insinuated in previous comments in this thread. No lawyer turned me down.

    This is blatant pro-reddit astroturfing.

    Without substantial and demonstrable effects on your finances, what you are left with is just some low level insults on the internet, and one or more relatively anonymous individuals who know that trolling you will get them the reaction they desire. If you continue to react like this, they will continue to try to get a reaction from you.

    your reactions and inability to let minor insults

    You have no clue what you’re talking about, and are just making things up. You’re the one trolling now.

    These concepts have been explained to you previously.

    Oh yeah? When was that?

    I understand that you believe you have found answers that have previously been ignored by medicine. I know how that feels. But research is already being done in this area and will take time to bear fruit.

    Another completely nonsensical troll comment.