Web developer, gamer, reader, and a true ligma male

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Yeah, I mean, I:

    • Eat at least three times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
    • Exercise three times per week (in the gym, lifting weights)
    • Sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night
    • Go outside every day
    • Have a skincare routine (although it’s not much)
    • Brush my teeth twice per day (after breakfast and before going to sleep)

  • I use it to manage my documents, backup my photos from my phone to my server and access all my files from any other device. Basically Nextcloud is my replacement for OneDrive.

    Additionally, I have used it in the past to collaborate on various group projects which require documents. For example, I had to make a presentation with some other people and I could create a PowerPoint in Nextcloud, send a share link to others and then we could edit the PowerPoint in realtime with Nextcloud + Collabora, which is pretty cool. It’s the only FOSS alternative (at least as far as I’m aware of) that can compete with Microsoft 365 / Google Workspaces.

  • Honestly, I’m not really excited about the past couple of major Nextcloud releases.

    Mainly because there’s still one big issue for small-scale Nextcloud servers: performance.

    Mainly the web UI is still too slow for me to properly use, which is why I don’t use it at all (unless I have to update an app).

    It’s a bit disappointing that they’re mainly focused on the large enterprise customers instead of small hobbyists like me, but it’s still understandable; after all, their income is mainly from the enterprise customers, not from selfhosters.

    I also don’t really like how they’ve jumped on the AI hypetrain instead of improving performance. But once again, I guess this generates more income for them than focusing on other things like improving performance.

  • I don’t think, I just do.

    I usually keep an end goal in sight; for example, I sometimes dread going to the gym, but I always remember that my goal is to stay fit, have a healthy body and exercising is an important part of that. By sticking to my goal, I maintain my discipline and go to the gym 3 times per week.

    Another example is school homework; in my case, my math homework is something I don’t enjoy, but I remind myself that I need the math certificate in order to enroll for a Computer Science degree at an university. Therefore, I keep pushing myself to study math and get good grades (which so far has worked pretty well)

  • Regrowing / regenerating certain body parts.

    This could theoretically be done with stemcell stuff, but it’s not there yet. However, when we finally reach the point where we can infinitely regenerate our body cells, we’ll become effectively “ammortal”; unable to die due to natural causes (such as illness), but we will still die from other people (for example, a bullet to the head)

    Besides that, I think nuclear fusion would be an incredible development if we can finally harness it to power our homes.

  • Docker is a container manager, but that doesn’t say anything if you don’t know what containers are.

    Containers are basically isolated apps. For example, take something like Nextcloud. Nextcloud can run in a Docker container, which means that it runs in an isolated environment completely separated from the user’s system. If Nextcloud breaks, the user’s server won’t be affected at all, because it’s running isolated.

    Why is this useful? Well, it’s useful because dependencies and such automatically update. Nextcloud for example, is dependent on PHP and if you install Nextcloud directly on your server, you’ll need to ensure that PHP 8 has been installed and set up properly. If PHP (or the required PHP extensions) aren’t properly installed, Nextcloud won’t work. Or, maybe if there’s a Nextcloud update that requires a new version of PHP (PHP 9 or 10 in the future), you’ll have to manually update PHP to the newer version.

    All that dependency management is completely gone with containers. The container itself automatically installs and sets up a proper environment for the app that’s running. So in the case of Nextcloud, the PHP binaries, extensions, and all the other stuff is all automatically included without the developer having to do anything at all. Just run one command and your entire Nextcloud instance is automatically updated.

  • That man is a genuine threat to the European Union, Europe as a continent and the Western world as we know it.

    As an European, I used to think of an ‘European army’ as a stupid idea, but now I think it has become a necessity to ensure the security of Europe. We can no longer rely on the US to be a reliable ally. Whether it’s about supplying arms, maintaining military hardware or coordinating military exercises, they should no longer be trusted. Why? Because this guy is crazy enough to provide Putin with all the highly sensitive data on European defenses. He’ll probably tell Putin where all the (secret) military bases are located, where the anti-air defenses are placed, and how the defenses work. He’s a traitor to the NATO alliance and a threat to the security of Europe.

  • Personally, the main thing that makes me stay alive is the hope that it might get better in the future. I tell myself that as long as I believe in myself, there’s always a chance for a better future. Always a chance that whatever bullshit I’m in, it’ll be over eventually. Additionally, I keep suicide close with me. For all problems, I think to myself that there’s always one solution, which is suicide. This thought kind of comforts me, because regardless of how bad things become, I always have an easy way out.

    For some general tips, I’d suggest you start exercising. Additionally, make sure you stay hydrated, drink enough and eat enough. Basically, just make sure you’ve got a healthy body, because a healthy mind cannot exist in an unhealthy body. Or at least, it’s very difficult to have a healthy mind in an unhealthy body.

    Next, I suggest you start thinking ‘What’s the main problem in my life right now? If I were a millionaire, how would I use my wealth to get out of my problems?’. If you know what exactly is causing your unhappiness, then you can try and fix it. And if your job is a problem, then be more specific. What exactly about your job makes you unhappy?