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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • I feel like pure demonization is such an easy path to distrust and abuse. For the longest time I didn’t know the difference between even weed and other drugs, just that it was “bad”, weed might as well have been crack. I sure as shit didn’t know the harder drugs make you feel unimaginably good and that this in specific was the danger.

    I actually had a bad LSD trip that went worse than it should have due to this demonization, I couldn’t stop thinking of all the times I was told or overheard as a kid that such drugs drive you insane. I knew beforehand what I was doing and what that would entail, but it didn’t matter once I had jumped in, the paranoia from years of growing up hearing such things won.

    For sure raise awareness, for sure drive home the notion that certain drugs will fuck your life up, but they need to seriously sit down and explain the nuances between all of them, they need to explain risks and dangers (the real ones, not the propagandist talking points) as well as the effects, they need to compare them to alcohol, tobacco, coffee, hell even food since even that is addictive. People will try stuff, they better try stuff with an informed perspective and know which ones are too much to consider.

  • I mean that marks a stark point of acceleration for sure, but the division has been going on for a lot longer. All my US relatives have been glued to fox news for at least the past decade. My mom goes to visit them (we are from Honduras)and comes back spouting absolute nonsense, when I ask her why, the tv is always on with fox news, it’s all they watch.

    Before they all left Honduras in the 80s and 90s, they were left leaning, all of them. Now they aren’t only right leaning, but radicalized and sound insane when talking. This “against the right” or whatever dude sounds actually just like them, but from the left. I don’t feel comfortable sitting here feeling like the same that’s happened to them is happening to us. Well, “us” considering I’m not from the US…

  • You’re glad I admit what now? Lmao I know your country is literally burning in division of catastrophic proportions but no need to assume that anyone who disagrees with you is on the other side of the political spectrum.

    Indeed conservatives shifted further right, and democrats also shifted right to the point that they don’t represent the actual left leaning portion of the US, but by your tone on the matter, I wasn’t sure you were aware of this shift. Are you also aware that the division between parties has been growing at alarming rates in recent years, whereas before you didn’t have such ridiculous takes from either side? Every news channel and social media platform just keeps radicalizing and dividing and villanizing to the point where you actually come to believe the other side is the literal boogeyman that wants to burn the world down.

    Reality is just a bit more nuanced than that. In the end, both sides will fuck you over because money, because the economy, because capitalism in general. Let’s not pretend things would be different if everything was under the democrats’ control. Sure, it can get Trump worse or DeSantis worse, but there’s no “better” on the other side, just status quo and wall street money. The real truth is the political system in the US, and a lot of other countries, has been hijacked by money and corruption for a while now, and everyone is just cannon fodder to keep the money going and the power flowing.

    Keep waging your war, just be mindful of spewing utter nonsense that just divides and radicalizes for the sake of dividing and radicalizing (such as that last paragraph). There are villains out there, and the GOO is absolutely rotten to the core, but we have to be mindful of just spewing utter hate like they do in their own bubbles, and we do have to remember that power corrupts no matter the side, take it from someone whose country got thrown under the bus by the Obama administration for the sake of “fighting communism”, and Obama’s been my favorite US president from recent years (Carter takes the crown, though). I don’t know what the solution is to such ridiculous division in the US, but I’d wager it’s not more hate and division.

  • Honestly this irks me to no end. We now have thousand dollar phones with all the speed, Ai capabilities, design, cameras, speakers, etc. Everything you could’ve wanted at its best in terms of performance, picture and camera quality, AI features… Except now you’re missing headphone jacks, replaceable batteries, Ir blasters, SD cards, extra Sim slots… Like, really, a thousand dollars for a phone and it has less features than a 200 dollar phone? Less features than phones from 6 years ago? Why the fuck have we sacrificed so much?? We had the chance to have a long golden era of long lasting, everything capable phones, but instead we’re stuck with boring bricks that do less than before, last less due to batteries wearing out, and come bloated with shit that you don’t need and can’t remove.

    We seriously need some phone company out there to spec the fuck out of a high end phone with all these features, AND which meets GrapheneOS requirements and lets us flash the phone with whatever the fuck we want. We’ve gone completely backwards on phones, and it’s becoming more and more pointless to upgrade, you’re just changing phones for the batteries these days.