That’s why we don’t like c
That’s why we don’t like c
Seems sensible. Check the output of AI tools before posting. Be pretty stupid not to proof read it at a minimum.
Both of those things describe allergies tbf. You can have a full blown allergy to almost anything.
The study measured pull request (PR) cycle time, or the time to merge code into a repository, and PR throughput, the number of pull requests merged. It found no significant improvements for developers using Copilot.
Yeah doesn’t seem like the best measurements.
It is compiled to bye code. Just to be clear transpiling is completely different. It is also not interpreted.
But ahead of time compilation is available now. So you can compile straight machine code.
The newer tiered JIT can actually give better performance than a traditional compiler as well.
Overall C# is an awesome language. If performance is absolutely critical you can use raw pointers and manual memory management, but obviously you lose safety then.
They are 100% ai. They run on neural networks which were some of the first AIs.
The thing with rust is that it is awesome. It does exactly what it promises and everyone keeps going on about.
If you want to talk cult talk to c developers. They are so indoctrinated. They say things like “undefined behaviour is fine you just have to code around it” “it’s great there’s almost no surface area to the standard lib as you can now trust your fellow developers to perfectly write all constructs” “yeah it causes uncountable security vulnerabilities (even when written by it’s foremost experts) but that’s unskilled developers and not a language problem”
That guy that causes pretty much every major code based security vulnerability?
For me you really aren’t selling it.
When the answer to major draw backs with a language is use it better that’s a dead end for me.
Some of the greatest programming minds have been using c for a long time and we still have a huge amount of dangerous vulnerabilities all the time.
The language is fundamentally flawed and other languages have demonstrated that you can get the same flexibility, expressiveness and performance without these flaws.
Again with the lack of many standard lib constructs. I now have to trust that every lib i use was written by a serious expert. as they’ll need to implement so much themselves rather than trusting the core language team, who you hope would know it better than most.
And again with OOP. Why hack it into a language rather than use a language that supports it.
It’s beginning to feel like people are just clinging to c because it’s what they are used to. All I seem see are justifications of its flaws and not any reasons to actually use it.
If it came out today you’d have an incredibly hard time convincing anyone to use it over other languages.
I mostly get naked in private
Pretty much every modern president tbh.
deleted by creator
For the web you’re 100% going to need JavaScript. More languages are targeting web assembly now. But there’s always some JS.
We use c# blazor at work and it’s 90% c# on the frontend. It’s not ideal with general purpose websites as the upfront load can be huge.
You’re probably better picking something like react which has as a huge ecosystem and is widely used.
You can also optimize this a bit.
You can use Activator.CreateInstance instead of reflecting and invoking the constructor.
You can also call MethodInfo.Invoke, you don’t need to create a delegate.
Also worth noting that Source Generators have replaced the need for reflection in many cases.
This guy needs to be in fucking prison. What is it going to take. Fuck.
Not sure reading comprehension is tied to typos on a mobile. I was referring to the title of the post. No need to be rude friend.
This is obviously fucked up. But they are clearly intentionally downplaying that he pulled a knife when stopped. He wasn’t shot for the fair lol
In the UK unless your parents are particularly poor it is not that common to support them.
We have a socialised pension that most should be able to live on. And most people have private or government pensions as well.
I was talking more generally about LLMs here
The letter “W” is called “double U” because the Normans invented it by combining two pointed capital letters to represent the sound “w” in Anglo-Saxon words after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. The name “double U” still indicates how the letter was created.
Before the Norman Conquest, the Latin letter “V” was used to represent both the “v” and “w” sounds. The Anglo-Saxons created a separate character called “wen” to represent the “w” sound. After the Norman Conquest, the Normans combined two pointed capital letters to create the “W” to represent the “w” sound in Anglo-Saxon words.