I don’t think there’s anything “arbitrary” about who they fuck over.
I don’t think there’s anything “arbitrary” about who they fuck over.
for the record, if you happen to be near a zoo with a snake house (or that has snakes,) you could probably ask the zookeeper. If they didn’t know already they have snakes and probably wouldn’t mind setting that up. (they also probably have multiple identical dishes and such like.)
well. I suppose that could be an email, if you happen to be not close. But if you are, I’ve never met a zookeeper that didn’t love to talk about their animals and answer random questions like that.
well, there was one awkward moment. suffice it to say, that telling 7 yo’s a horse is masturbating is not a conversation anyone wants to have.
there’s exactly one thing more to add:
Fuck these assholes. with a solid gold version of a bad dragon dildo, without lube, and a very coarse sand-blast finish.
(Why solid gold you ask? because it has a very high thermal conductivity and mass. so it’d be a very unpleasant, very cold fucking. it’s the same reason I laugh at trump’s solid gold toilet. the thermal mass and conductivity on the toilet is high enough the seat will never get warm under your tush.) )(unless they’re into that sort of thing.)
Fun fact, there’s a very strong geographical correlation between the measles outbreak and rates of antivaxers declining to vaccinate their kids.
“Fun” in the “omg it’s awful people are that fucking stupid” sense.
Also. Fuck RFK JR.
Neurodivergence doesn’t cause assholish behavior. Even something like narcissistic personality disorder doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an asshole; and many can and do learn to be better.
So while she may be neurodivergent, and may have a mental illness (the two are not the same,); she’s also just an asshole.
I suggested changing the name of Mar a Lago to Turd-o-Lardo
I find it extremely dubious that Trump is the one running things.
For one thing, he can’t take calls from Putin without scrutiny where musk can.
For another, the dude’s lost his marbles.
Pretty sure Musk goes between putin and chump. could be wrong, lol.
I’d consider saying that rude most of the time as the person making small talk is just doing something nice.
the question here is how many hints/suggestions/requests has OP already blown past? if all they talk about is the weather, chances are you should just let the conversation drop.
it could be cultural, but yeah, I feel like the person was quite exasperated with OP and was all-but-point-blank telling them to stop talking.
You couldn’t pay me enough to fly just now.
(Alright I lie. I’ll do it, but you have to pay up front and add in life insurance.)
Last time I bought Pringle’s it was for science- they have some interesting aerodynamics.
The time before that, it was on a bet about turning the can and some pencils into a WiFi antenna. (That won me some real crispschips.)
I’d say 90+2 years probation.
The dude lied about why (there was no fight, his kid was fine,) and fled the scene; clearly showing mens rea.
Have you considered…. Chewing?
I’m not sure we should be taking advice of which side from people who still drive on the wrong side of the road.
(Edit: oh, this is from Germany. Yeah, guess you’re right-side drivers.)
what a weak, pathetic, imbecile.
I was gonna try and find some way to secret a tesla coil in the Oval Office and aim it for the resolute desk.
Meteors sound reasonable. Good idea. There’s plenty of NASA peeps who are suddenly available too!
Of the 1,600 that got pardons, 3 rejected them.
Good for them I guess. But there’s still 1,597 brown shirts.
Oh they are.
They best just objectively suck
Red states pay for shit?