Front-end Web Dev., and some other stuff too

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Cutting off aid would force Israel to go “well we better hurry up and finish this war before we run out of ammo”, sending them into overdrive to cripple Hamas’ capabilities since they won’t have the Iron Dome to rely on anymore.

    And of course there’s still the issue of a ceasefire not being agreed to because Hamas can’t provide Israel what it’s asking for. So how’s cutting off aid supposed to help?

    At this point I don’t think Israel’s gonna stop even if they do somehow manage to eradicate Hamas from the world. Any opportunity for peaceful ends to this conflict are long gone.

  • Rather than try to take away ballot options that would better represent the interests of the American public, perhaps the Democratic Party should focus on passing legislation that would actually help struggling people such as a universal single payer healthcare program or guaranteed housing.

    I love when people act like the Democrats have unilateral control over all 3 branches of Government and just gloss over how the party that controls the Courts dismantles Obamacare at every opportunity, and the same party that controls the House and will refuse to pass bills that even they like because of the chance it might make Biden look good.

    Sadly, both major political parties in America are fully beholden to the corporate interests which fund the political system.

    Of course, topping it off with a little “both sides”.

  • Genuinely surprised to see this comment so high up, with so many more upvotes than downvotes. I personally have no problem with Threads, and some of the higher-profile celebrities, comics and artists I want to follow are already there. That I can add other fediverse accounts to my feed, or add Threads accounts into my Mastadon/Lemmy apps, it’s a win.

    I’m not oblivious to why folks don’t like it and want no part of Zuckerberg’s companies. I still prefer open platforms to closed ones, and Zuck seems to understand that too. I personally don’t buy the EEE fears. This ain’t Microsoft.