Just a nerd who migrated from kbin(dot)social.

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2024


  • I’m not talking about the immigration issue. I’m talking about what this article is addressing, which is a form of offshoring. Yes, they’re talking about it in the entertainment industry, but it’s the same problem across all industries. There’s no difference to me between using an animation studio in Canada or a call center in India. We need to protect our labor - knowing that Americans are some of the most expensive employees in the world.

  • More proof that we need a labor or service tariff. We shouldn’t allow US companies to employ cheap foreign labor without having to make up the difference in taxes. Every job in America should optimally either be filled by an American citizen, or just as expensive to the employer as hiring an American. In the rare case we don’t have a citizen able to do it, invite the most skilled foreign citizen on a work visa to be treated and paid same as our citizens.

  • My worry is that without a lawsuit or other action, we’ll keep seeing LLM slop companies taking down smaller websites for bogus reasons. This needs to be codified somehow that there were damages done to Itch’s earnings (and more importantly the earnings of the independent creators on the platform who should start a class-action suit), and that what Funko’s contracted LLM company did was wrong.

    There’s financial damages, loss of profit, emotional distress, reputation loss, and more. We need to take action against these companies for their wrongdoing. So either they need to willingly pay up and have that payment be known and public, or they need to be made to pay by the courts.

  • My understanding is that essentially, they see the downballot Republican candidates in these states as part of a uniparty with Democrats, or as RINOs. They’re not going to vote for these ‘establishment’ Republicans, as they feel they’d undermine Trump’s agenda. There are a lot of people who’ve been feeling disenfranchised in this country and want something, anything, to change. They want the people who’ve caused them pain to suffer - and they see the government and those who directly benefit from the government to be the ones who’ve caused them pain.

    There’s also the party messaging going on. For decades, Democrats and their fellow-travelers have pushed the doctrine of “think global, act local.” They push community involvement and local direct action. On the other hand, since at least 2015, the Republicans have focused almost exclusively on Trump and the White House. Before that, the Tea Party tried to get Republican local action to happen - and that movement ended up collapsing under its own weight between 2012 and 2016.