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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, I believe you will absolutely find something to put there. But I also write this from my dining room, which the China hutch behind me also has Lego sculptures and slime, and there’s cabinets with children’s art supplies and whatnot. And I to my right is the kids playroom, but also the way to our ground floor bathroom, and so you take your life (at least your feet) into your hands when nature calls. But I just tell myself, when they’re older, they have less shit, it’ll be better. Right?

    My kids do each have their own rooms though, and I think that’s a fair line to draw. Boy and girl. Boy’s room is a shoebox, but he’ll survive.

    Unfortunately, I renovated my detached garage into a place to hangout, and so I can kiss that goodbye in like 10 years.

  • Different strokes and all that, but I tend to say the more space you have, the more shit goes in it. We have about 1350sf, two kids, cat, on a quarter acre. We rely on the kids being able to (when they’re a bit older) go out around our town, which are homes on properties just like mine, but with parks and a downtown and a meandering Brook with green space all around it. I say to my wife, could we use a little more space? Absolutely. Could we use the space we have a little more wisely? Also absolutely. I just know that if we had more space, we would instantly fill it with more crap, so we’re good.

  • If anyone recalls, OP also posted a picture of their garbage can complaining about how garbage bags were somehow improperly manufactured. I want to believe this is a troll account, but I’m concerned that OP is someone who legitimately needs some help, and not the kind you get from message boards. This is the same OP whose response to jokes was to say their ASVAB scores were high.

    I came into this post thinking it was gonna be a silly “kids these days” post, and ended up having OP tell us she’s concerned the children she birthed are not hers somehow. It am not a psychologist in the slightest, but I can’t help but think there is something just not right.

  • I just got into guava recently. I live in Jersey and my local ShopRite started stocking clamshells with six guavas or so, ranging in size from a goofball to something larger than a goofball but smaller than a baseball. Maybe like billiards ball sized. I’d never eaten them before like a month ago, and so the seeds threw me T first, but I’ve got the technique down now and shit, when they’re ripened, nice and soft, they are fantastic. I worry about the day when I get to ShopRite and the guavas are no longer.