Okapi. They’re unusual and they look cool.
Okapi. They’re unusual and they look cool.
What a fascinating article! Thank you for sharing it!
How many emus are in Germany?
Gave up smoking 25 years ago. Diagnosed with incurable blood cancer 5 years ago. After two stem cell (bone marrow) transplants, three years of chemotherapy, and a year of immunotherapy, I’ve been told I’m in full remission — no evidence of disease — and I’m not expected to relapse.
Look after yourself while you’re young and fit and still have a chance to keep healthy.
https://10minutemail.com/ or similar. New address for every query. Clogging up their system with bad data is their choice, not yours.
Old enough to watch the moon landing, but too young to remember it.
Why aren’t the basic laws of mathematics clean round numbers? Why are pi and e irrational? What secret is hidden down in the depths of these numbers?
Dyson, Kirby are great if you can find one secondhand. (They’re also great new, but very expensive).
I’m recovering from cancer and caring for my wife who has severe post traumatic stress as a result of natural disaster.
That’s pretty much all I can do at the moment, but I’m slowly getting better.
International Talk Like a Pirate Day, the Pastafarian religious holiday celebrated on September 19.
Well, they were discovered in China, so it won’t take long, but they won’t tell anyone until it’s been spread to other countries.
“Be excellent to each other”.
Show some compassion, be a bro, care about other people. Maybe we can make society a bit better; one person, one act of kindness, at a time.
Book the time as an appointment or consultation and just go. If your direct line manager makes a fuss, tell them it’s a doctor’s appointment. If you’ve got far enough that you recognise that you need help, just go ahead and do it.
It will be interesting to find out if these words will come back and haunt them.
One time, we were given six month’s wages plus a month’s wages for each year we had worked there (I had been there 12 years). The company paid for career counseling, resume training, self awareness (similar to Myers Briggs only it was useful), use of an office space and computers and printers to hunt for jobs.
Another time, we were told that our entire IT department wasn’t important enough to keep and our jobs had been outsourced to India. But they still wanted us to stay for four weeks and train our replacements. Bitch, if I’m not important enough to keep, then I’m not important enough to train anyone. I collected my stuff and walked out that day.
Wait, what? Need a spoiler tag.