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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • You can’t ask a person the same question multiple times? Someone better tell my 3 year old.

    When was the last time you asked someone “What should I Google to find ‘x’”? If someone asked me for knowledge and then asked how to find more info on it I’d be happy to show them what to search, and I suspect most people with an interest in anything would do the same. Weirdly, people like sharing things. It’s how we managed to survive this long.

  • Nothing changed with Helldivers. The game is still blocked in over 100 countries and people who rightfully purchased the game still can not play it. Sure we don’t have to create an account, but that was annoying -not an actual issue. The real issue was thousands of people suddenly losing access to their game because Sony wants conversion.

    Sony made a social media post. They didn’t fix shit. But now the backlash is gone and the countries are still blocked, they can silently reinstate the bullshit in 3 months time.

  • You are only as safe as you let yourself be.

    I’ve had no issues with most of the sites in the mega thread, and if you utilise a bit of common sense you should be fine.

    Get a VPN, download Malwarebytes and check the torrent comments before you download anything. New torrent with zero comments and no way for you to verify? If it’s not a site you have grown to trust, give it a miss for a week. Even if you do trust the site, if something in your head says “this isn’t right”, just wait or find an alternative.

    Most other content is easy because hiding malware inside of a movie torrent is more difficult and easier to detect. Games require you to pay a bit of attention because I can name any malware I want “setup.exe” and a lot of people will mindlessly open it expecting a game to install.

    For what it’s worth, I used FitGirl when I was a student and didn’t have any troubles with her packs. Not sure if anything has changed in the last ~4 years though.

  • That one question “If you woke up tomorrow with 100 million dollars, what would you do to improve your life right now?” Is very powerful. My first response was “Pay off all my debt”.

    The second most powerful question is: “What else?”

    What else would you do after your debts are paid? What else would make you happy once you don’t HAVE to work? What else would you do now you are debt free and have the time you need to enjoy life? What else fulfills you?

    By the time I hit the 3rd/4th “What else?” I realised what I was actually needing. In my specific case it was a creative outlet that I had been neglecting for years. I would remind myself daily about that one goal and, thought it took me 3 weeks, I eventually managed to pull out my guitar and start playing again.

    2 years later and I’m sucking at guitar daily and going for runs. I have remade connections with people I thought were lost and genuinely started enjoying the little bits of life I have made. Debt is still there and work is relentless, but my 30min with my guitar has become a grounding point where I can remind myself “Things will get better, incrementally. What else can I do to make the little things better?”

    Apologies about the wall of text. Depression is the worst version of ourselves and I hope OP can get through it.

  • Just got engaged to my long term partner. We live with 2 other people and, with the way things are going, we will be married and still sharing accommodation because 2 full time jobs aren’t enough to cover rent AND food.

    My bootstraps can’t be pulled any higher. I work 6 days a week and spend my Sunday working on my web design business to try make ends meet. Thank god I’m paying my landlords mortgage. I can’t imagine how they’re coping at the moment…

    Its a clown world.