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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Because no one wants to learn something new like postgres, vendors haven’t adopted other databases platforms other than SQL, and licensing is absolutely stupid expensive for SQL, so most companies just stay on what they currently run. It costs money to hire new employees who know other databases types, and it costs money to train current employees, it’s just an absolutely stupid vicious cycle Microsoft has created. The barrier of entry for new versions of SQL is so high, that it’s just not worth the hassle and the price.

  • Look I get what you’re saying, but they’ve realistically made two stinkers, Andromeda and anthem, and I actually like Andromeda not to mention it was made by a completely different and brand new studio that probably shouldn’t have called themselves Bioware.

    I also enjoyed inquisition, it was fun and had a ton of commercial success as well as a really good final expansion that was universally praised. I get Anthem really burned a ton of bridges, but it’s not on the scale that places like Reddit like to make you believe. The gameplay was legitimately fun, the story was awful and all over the place.

  • There were many factors that went into the failure of artifact, gameplay was not one of them and is still solid to this day. The biggest problem was the monetization, and not really the monetization itself, but the timing of monetization. Hearthstone conditioned people to want free cards and earn free rewards by playing the game, artifact was a digital representation of a physical card game where you could literally build decks for like $10 and enjoy it, the allure of free low quality shit will always overshadow high quality paid content and it’s just fucking sad. Now look at hearthstone, a shit husk of a game it once was.

  • I feel like I’m the only one excited for this game. Every post about it is getting shit on for absolutely stupid reasons. We have 4 low res screenshots and no videos of gameplay with a few details on the gameplay loop. This is what icefrog was working on for years when he stopped working on DotA 2, the man damn near created the entire moba genre, he’s taking liberties with the gameplay and incorporating overwatch gameplay with moba mechanics that sounds like it’s handled in a more meaningful way instead of just copy/paste mechanics from other mobas and move the camera to 3rd person like smite. As someone who’s older and loves mobas but struggles to keep up with the pace of them, this game sounds like it will be right up my alley and for the record I love the art style, fuck me right?

  • That’s fair, just tired of explaining shit to uninformed windows fanboys that don’t understand what they’re talking about.

    Want low latency audio production? There’s a distro with a low latency kernel for that.

    Need a hyper focused gaming distro? Guess what, there’s a distro for that.

    You want something so easy to use that even your tech illiterate grandparents can’t fuck their PC with something as stupid as updates? Well what do you know, there’s a distro for that as well with immutable OS’s that look and feel like Windows.

    Windows fanboys spew bullshit like ease of use and not breaking their shit when they click buttons, but the reality is Linux is no different, it can be as easy or as difficult to use and break as you want.

    The sad bullshit fact is if you use Windows, your PC is Microsoft’s and not yours, if you use Linux your PC is yours to control, and nothing hits that home like bullshit advertisements on your start menus and settings app.

  • I don’t think you understand how much I don’t give a shit that you have an “ultimate gaming PC” just lying there…I gave you options, take em or leave em, but ultimately you’re choosing not to do a damn thing about it and will just keep eating Microsoft Windows ads with every update. At least an Xbox is kind of expected to have ads since it’s somewhat subsidized. As for group dynamics, if your friends won’t try other games with you, sounds like you need better friends.