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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Except that… he’s already making the Caste pay?.. 2 out of his 3 Decrees so far have already cut A LOT of Political Priviledges and Money making schemes planted by the Peronists, and more are to come out of his words. Sure the workers are paying too i’ll give you that.

    And yes, Massa was the President, of course not in an official way because that would be unconstitutional and Political Suicide, on the Most Peronist fashion it was all done under the rug. As soon as Massa assumed his charge the President Alberto Fernandez LITERALLY dissapeared from Public View AND Executively did NOTHING the rest of his mandate. Massa took his place both in Public Acts and on actually ordering the Country. There’s no way to make this shit up given how blatant it was

  • I agree, “you too” is not an excuse, but that wasn’t what I was trying to imply. For clarification it’s a matter of pick your poison because it doesn’t matter the person nor the space they belong to, bad apples are gonna be there so wether you prefer those bad apples to come from china or united states is really the only choice you can make.

    And there is a saying in Argentina that if Peronism doesnt make sense to you, it means you understood it perfectly. The deal here is that it’s been the power that’s dominated the country since it’s inception… and look how that’s going

  • I don’t know who’s interpretation of Anarcho-Capitalism you are following, but since ther has never been an Anarcho Capilist government in the world (which sounds ironical) it’s all just ideas and interpretations, of which seem you are grabbing the worst of the pile.

    Rothbard’s definition includes in the fundamentals of the Contractual Society being voluntarily approached and free of violence or harm, which is to say that if you do not respect the inalienable rights of the others, you are violating the Contract for being in that society, and you are rightfully gonna be aprehended. There is no contradiction

    Also, to what you said about “demonstrated” something, mind linking to what you have? There’s nothing around here like that

  • You just gave me the right on everything about Espert… Including that he’s just a legislator and LLA having an Alliance with JxC to be allowed to govern… So thanks I guess

    However, no the Peso was not devaluated, the Official exchange just moved towards the real exchange since for some reason they dont want to steal more from the Workers and Tourists that fall for the trap of the Official Exchange… HMMMM

    And yeah let’s just be absolutists and say the right is never the answer, that’s obviously flawless and correct and doesnt make you look any biased at all…

    And would like to know the quote you are apparently replying to? Because so far Milei has advocated to follow the constitution, has complied with his campaign promises so far and has been democratically elected unlike his opponent in the Elections who has De-Facto President on his Minister of Economy facade, Surely those arent fascists, correct?

  • Are you… advocating violence?..

    I literally just said a peaceful manifestation without violation of the other’s right is possible and has been done not even too far back.

    And also, these “Piquetes” aren’t peaceful at all. It is violent to stop workers from going to work, threatening their income necessary to sustain their life, it’s a crime under the hood of enforcing a right and that’s why they should be repressed. Those who don’t incur on the people’s freedom to go to work and live peacefully shouldn’t be of course.

  • I don’t know how an Anti-Corruption office would go with Media Outlets spewing misinformation, free speech is fundamental after all. If they say something that’s wrong they should be sued by the affected, people should loose interest in their channel and it would die off because there’s no profit when nobody watches or trusts them.

    On another hand, there are some trustable ones but of course who those are varies from person to person, for now let’s just wait until the ones that cant survive without the government’s money die off and we’ll put up to public scrutiny the rest

  • In case you really are intersted, I would suggest r/Argentina on Reddit or r/Republica_Argentina again on Reddit

    To clarify the former is more right-oriented (pro current gov, against past) and the latter is Left-oriented (pro past gov, against current)

    Official new sources straight from Argentina are hard to trust, as they used to be Paid by the government and served as propagandists for it until like a week ago since Milei made a decree to halt said Payments for at least a Year (You can search about this with the term “Pauta oficial Argentina”)