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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • For what it’s worth, a government can absolutely subsidized an industry in an attempt to capture a foreign market.

    There’s a reason Japan and Korea have their own auto industries despite being next door to the largest manufacturing nation on earth, and it isn’t because they’re somehow making and distributing them for even less than China.

    That being said, several automakers have blindfolded themselves about the type of cars people want. I do hope this threat is significant enough that automakers actually shift to mini-electric transportation options.

    If not, I’d be happy enough buying a small Chinese electric even if the taxes made it equivalent to a larger “western” vehicle. Because it’s what I want to have available to me and it’s nice to fuck capitalists with capitalism.

  • Paying workers more is inflationary, but raising the cost of goods because you control the supply chain is “business”

    Basically, raising product costs to cover increased labour costs are bad because actual workers are getting that money instead of the wealthy capital class.

    I wish people understood boycotting more. Sure 6 companies own everything, but remember when the cost of a barrel of oil went significantly negative because people weren’t driving for 2 weeks?

    If people collectively decided they didn’t want to buy anything but the absolute necessary staples for a few months there would be an absolute catastrophe in the supply chain and they’d be forced to lower prices significantly.

    They may not lower prices forever, but modern business is built entirely on supply chain logistics. If people stop buying anything, or buy things exclusively to return them we would see some serious changes

  • I am not sure what point you are trying to make, or how it relates to my comment/the article?

    Even if we’re talking about someone who simply lacks basic or any morals, that would make them even more susceptible to Greed.

    Especially when using a system specifically designed to provide them with vulnerable people who are mostly hidden from public and given less wages and rights, don’t know local laws, and are incredibly desperate.

    What a convenient coincidence, heartless Greed finds itself flush with unlimited desperate workers. Again.

  • Samurai champloo is a classic and contributed a ton to anime style, but maybe doesn’t hit as hard with plot as more recent creations. Fun and campy meets dark and gritty

    Inuyasha is another classic feudal Japan and magic environment

    May as well mention Afro Samurai if I’m gonna have a string of feudal Japan anime

    Most people look like they mentioned Cowboy bebop already

    I’m a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, but originally watched it in the early 2000’s as a teenager with divorced parents so there’s probably a big nostalgia factor

    I absolutely loved cyberpunk edgerunners, but it’s only 10 episodes (watched this probably 5x already)

    The animated witcher movie + Castlevania (not nocturne though) were really good.

    Arcane + DOTA I found to be really enjoyable as well.

  • The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

    He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

    We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

    They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went “just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we’ll throw a wind storm at it to prove it’s good forever”

  • Wake up sheeple, here’s the real history of the moon

    Neon Genesis Evangelion History

    First Impact (also known as the “Giant Impact”) is an Impact which occurred in prehistoric times when the Black Moon, a giant spherical object, collided with the Earth in what is now the Hakone region of Japan. The collision caused an explosion that launched a massive amount of material from Earth into orbit. This orbiting debris eventually coalesced into Earth’s only moon. The Black Moon is the vessel that carried Lilith, one of the members of the Seeds of Life sent out into the universe by the First Ancestral Race.

    Edit: Well that wasn’t well received, guess this instance doesn’t have a lot of evangelion fans 💀

  • While I agree with you about half measures that divide the workforce/classes I am still all about “raising the basement”.

    Too many policies will only meaningfully impact the wealthy, so seeing lower pay bands receive specific attention is always great to see.

    There are still far too many loopholes, lack of enforcement/consequences, and creative schedules that actively repress workers, but this policy sounds pretty great and it is affecting a lot of workers in less than a year which is fantastic momentum.

    It’s also more difficult to pass sweeping legislation when Republicans + Conservative supreme Court do absolutely everything in their power to resist any kind of improvement to American life they possibly can.

  • Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

    I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

    And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

  • I used to be like you, and ultimately I still am - but people seem to need this oppression if we’re ever going to make government work for us again.

    There is a very dangerous trend of voter apathy, mis/disinformation, and a near complete lack of understanding on the functions of government and democracy.

    Until people are actually willing to “work together” (decide we don’t need an orphan crushing machine - not actually work hand in hand with everyone else) we kind of deserve the governments we have.

    It’s plain as day that powerful interests are getting absolutely everything they want, while successfully convincing the general population they shouldn’t have job security, health care, social safety nets, education, and an environment that isn’t entirely poisoned.

    So many people are willingly voting against their interests to hurt someone less well off. Others simply don’t care to pay attention, vote, or refuse to apply logic to information if it suits their bias even though it hurts them.

    There are huge amounts of bad actors (media in general completely ignoring the obvious rise of facisim and ringing the dinner bell instead of the alarm) doing everything they can to obfuscate the truth and play on people’s bias/hate/fear are direct attacks on democracy.

    It feels like we’re literally experiencing how Hitler rose to power. People are aware of things like project 2025, J6, Christo facisim, bought and paid for supreme Court, outright lies and disinformation campaigns from most media sources, and billionaires dictating to governments.

    The general population mostly shrugs, does a finger wag, a head shake, and call it a day.

    The far right is organizing globally to allocate funds and think tanks, lobbyists, controlling media, having people of influence throughout government, military, and police. The response? everyone still treats them as disconnected fringe weirdos doing their thing, not something worth dedicating any time to.

    You hear Trump supporters saying J6 was an inside ANTIFA FBI job of fake actors - who are completely innocent American heros that are political prisoners and need to be pardoned? Such cognative dissonance shouldn’t be able to exist in nearly half the population, but does due to trusted sources experiencing 0 consequences for pushing obvious lies - so it must be true.

    When push comes to shove (shove comes to fist?) maybe the Lazy left will actually show up to resist their oppression, hopefully they unite before it’s too late.

  • Pretty rough reality.

    People in cities often don’t know or understand the first thing about nature and are content imagining it as some pristine “other” place outside of the cities they never leave.

    Rural people who have access to nature tend to vote for the “put every chemical in the environment as fast as possible” parties.

    The poor who live near natural beauty without industry have no clout or means to change anything outside their immediate village (even then its not likely)

    The rich people who actually enjoy nature, live near it, and want to protect it - often only want to protect it for themselves. At best their environmental efforts are offset 1000x by their lifestyle.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of rural/urban hunters, environmentalist, nature/outdoor lovers. But it’s a relatively small group with little social crossover. And aside from the cottage are probably spending their entire outdoor experience on public walking paths and aren’t aware of the extent of habitat loss, pollution, and mass die offs taking place.

    We’re completely fucked.