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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’d say no. Because it’s online and attached to your account it can be lost. If for some reason you lose access to your Apple account you lose everything you’ve bought. And a lot of these online services don’t want you to share or transfer your account. So like if you pass away, most of these online services don’t allow you to transfer the account to a living relative (per of the TOS) (granted I doubt there’s much I could do to actually stop you if you just leave them out of it and just give the account to somebody).

  • I like them. The big shows are a rare form of artistic expression. And even the stuff you can buy, is a form of fun you cannot get anywhere else.

    Drone shows are boring. You can watch them on a screen and lose none of the experience. I mean, the first time you see it it’s interesting, but then you remember it’s just a bunch of drones, and your going to be stuck in traffic just so you can see a pixilated coke can or something. There’s nothing unique or special about the experience I feel. Unlike fireworks, while they can look fine on a screen (if recorded properly) but you can see the difference on someone’s face when you’re there. You see it, feel it, and smell it. It makes sense why humans have been doing this for hundreds of years.

  • I suppose there is a certain level of risk but that’s true with any solution. Passwords generally don’t get changed very often and that’s usually what’s going to be nabbed up by somebody that in your username of course. With TOTP, putting that in bitwarden means that in order to get access to whatever account, they first have to get your credentials which they probably got from a dump filled with a bunch of other credentials, then I’d have to figure out that you’re using bitwarden was your be no sign that you are. Then they’d have to actually get into your bitwarden which if you’re doing it properly should be difficult. And if the login to bitwarden is completely different than the account are trying to get into it’s basically invisible to them.

    The only way I see bitwarden being the weak link, is 1. Someone has physical access to your devices and they know what they’re looking for (in this case it’s probably a roommate or family or friend, someone that you trust but probably shouldn’t). 2. Bitwarden gets compromised (which is an impossible but it is probably more difficult because it is an open source thing). 3. You go to shady website and install shady stuff and that install some sort of keylogger, or something else that shows what your system has (hell, Microsoft recall would actually fall into this category) and a back actor sees that you have bitwarden and how you log into it. But that being said, 1 and 3 aren’t necessarily stopped by having a password manager solution and the separate MFA solution… But it could slow them down.

    But physical MFA isn’t impervious either. I don’t recall if it was yubiki or Google’s Titan, if I remember back years ago one of them had a problem.

  • And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

    Well it is. Because far to many people are simply voting for the lesser of evils, because our options have been terrible for decades. And the longer we keep perpetuation this broken system, the worse it’s going to get.

    Lets say Biden wins… this exact same shit show is coming about in 4 years again. And when that orange clown was in office, people were already trying to set up a Trump dynasty… that for some fucking reason that family should just be in power. This pattern cannot continue. We need to get out of “lets go with what will hopefully do the least damage” and start voting in people that are actually going to represent the people. Sure maybe POTUS might not be the best place to start with that, but it needs to start somewhere.

    And if not the Trump family, it’s going to be some other bozo like Elon (somehow) or Bezos because our political system has become that much of a joke.

    The rich keep getting away with shit, nothing happens. Corrupting in our government, nothing happens. Corruption in our police, nothing happens. Rights are being taken away from people, nothing happens. In some areas of the country, public schools are now displaying the 10 commandments for some reason. Oh and public taxes are going to help fund private schools. And school shootings… and nothing happens. Our national debt is out of control. And the state on how veterans are taken care of is pathetic. I’m sick and tired of incompetent and inept leadership. So yeah, maybe a 3rd party might be a good idea. Or we can keep this shit show up until it’s too late, which is the most likely outcome.

  • So, a bank said, staying home didn’t prevent a contagious disease from spreading… And you didn’t question that? You were like ‘the money people said so’ and that was good enough…

    I mean if you wanted to argue it didn’t work because people didn’t listen and didn’t do the lockdown and went out… That just means people are selfish pricks, not that the science wouldn’t have worked. How do you not piece that together? A bunch of MAGA morons yelling ‘my freedoms’, is largely why it kept going. You trusted a bank over the CDC. Fucking wild.

  • So, what’s your position on people who cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze? Do you like, spread your “underground” news with them? That surgeons only wear all that stuff because it’s a Big Pharma scam? There’s so much out there, countless videos people made showing how masks help prevent the spread of disease, not just Covid, in case you thought somehow Bill Gates 5G microchips were like, specific.

    Which Fox News/far right extremist “underground” source you listen to on the daily? I wanna know which sound bites you like to repeat like a parrot, but pass off as your own.

  • This statement doesn’t actually give a clear picture. It’s doesn’t explain why.

    It’s the windows fan curve more aggressive?

    What programs were being ran?

    What was the actual fan speed?

    What was the actual temp?

    What was the exact version of Windows/Linux?

    We’re these ‘experiments’ ran in the same hardware under the same conditions.

    You can choose to be LTT and just say whatever and pass it off as fact, or you can be GN and back it up with highly detailed facts.