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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yep, so many clients: I have this problem and an error pops up, I need immediate help.

    Me: Ok send me the data and the error log, and a description of what it is telling you on screen.

    Client: I forget what it said, i didn’t save the log, And i needed to keep working so I deleted the file and started again.


    Client: My set of files is doing this, and giving me this specific error.

    Me: Ah OK, that is a known issue, close all the fikes and open the top level only, open each sub fike one by one till the error pops up, that will be the culprit so run this clean up tool on that file only.


    Week later, Client : Im having that same error again, can you help?

    Me: That cleanup tool should have fixed it.

    Client: I didn’t have time to do those steps so I just kept working as is.

    me: hopefully a gangster shoots me in a drive by crossfire on the way home.

  • My Grandmother used to say “It’s better than a kick in the teeth” when deflecting disappointment in an outcome–putting a positive spin on a negative. Being from the UK it seemed universal, but moving to Canada and saying that, people gave me odd looks.

    The other one is when somebody is talking nonsense or a bit crazy, they would say “They are out of their tree”. For the Welsh the tree symbolizes stability and mental wellness (druids I guess) and if you were stressed or needed to chill their phrase translates to “I need to go back to my trees”

  • If a group blew up a hydro dam, or other electrical source plant and also destroyed water stations, you would see local society and ecomony crumble quickly. People aren’t prepared, like they may have been in the 50s for food/water supply, etc. You would have chaos. So an enemy would just need to coordinated that across cities…its why have web/internet enabled infrastructure is a security diaster waiting to happen.