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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Unfortunately Temtem is a terrible game entirely due to Crema’s incompetence.

    It’s actually impressive how consistently they make horrible decisions. If I had to summarize their attitude, it’s that you can’t criticize them because “Hey, we’re human, we make mistakes and when you criticize us it hurts our feelings”. And when I say you can’t, I mean it literally. They will suspend or ban you from whatever platform it is for saying anything they perceive as negative.

    They take an “us vs them” attitude with their player base which results in the equivalent of Crema stuffing their fingers in their ears saying LALALALALA YOU’RE WRONG WE’RE RIGHT.

    It’s a shame, because the foundation of the game, the battle system, is genius and a huge improvement over Pokémon. The game showed real promise for a long time. But Crema has been dropping the ball with every update for years and it’s long since entered its death spiral.

  • Simply put, the attack is shorter and easier to understand than the nuanced defense.

    Politicians can put “you’re against education!” in a 15 second attack ad on the radio/TV/a poster. It takes a short media appearance to explain the nuance. Which isn’t worth the time or money typically, since so few people will see it.

    Especially since a huge section of our population gets 100% of its news from Fox, Newsmax, and other right wing media. That interview will never air there. In fact, those sources will repeat the party line of “you’re against education!”

  • I’m sure there are people who genuinely find that kind of work to be really cool, but I’m with you. It wasn’t enough for me.

    I just could not get motivated over my projects being “Maybe we should store the pallets right here in packaging instead of 100ft away on the other side of the building” or “Let’s replace the screwdrivers in assembly with drills to increase productivity”. Who the fuck needs an engineering degree to tell them that drills are way faster than screwdrivers?

    Let alone the bullshittery around monitoring every minute of each employee’s day and trying to squeeze every ounce of productivity out of it. One manager gave an entire presentation about how if every operator is 1 minute late coming back to their station from break it adds up to like 2 full weeks for 1 employee by the end of the year.

    Like…I saw that manager gossiping with HR for anywhere from like 15-45 minutes every day. But here we’re trying to harass our employees for taking ONE EXTRA MINUTE of their 30 minute lunch break.

    I just couldn’t. Continuous Improvement can be cool but not when it’s that kind of stuff, not to me anyway.

    Just wanted to say that if you feel similarly and it’s making you miserable there are cool engineering jobs out there. Even Continuous Improvement can be really fun if the manufacturing process is complex and requires actual engineering to improve.

  • Spotify like many others here. Just haven’t had many issues with the program and it does what I want for a reasonable price.

    Wanna give a big shout out to Nebula. It’s meant to be a YouTube-esque site but solely for educational content. I found it via LegalEagle but it has a ton of documentaries and other educational content creators. I believe my subscription is $5/year or something like that. Just insanely cheap for really high quality content.

    I have the Disney+/Hulu bundle. I love Disney movies and with all the franchises they own now I feel it’s worthwhile. Hulu happens to have quite a few of my favorite shows and the bundle made it worthwhile to me.

    Currently trying out YouTube premium and, I know this won’t be a popular opinion, but I think it’s worth it to me. I use a lot of YouTube and also chromecast it. While it’s possible for me to get ad blocked YouTube for free on mobile and cast it to my TV it’s… Cumbersome and unstable. I generally have the opinion that I don’t mind paying for services I enjoy using so… For now, gonna stick with YouTube premium. Just so much less of a headache.

    AmazonPrime but only for Amazon’s services really, the few shows that are on Prime Video for free are a nice bonus though.

    And currently I pay for Netflix and share it with my family but the very first second Netflix cracks down on that I’m dropping it and have told my family as such for years. Already started torrenting most shows I kept up with via Netflix in preparation.

    The only other one I consider is HBO… But there just hasn’t been enough of an allure thus far.

  • To me this is clearly a future step. Obviously reddit hasn’t cared about the user experience in years and have been slowly maneuvering to make changes that benefit profits at the cost of user experience.

    For me personally I look back to when Victoria was fired as the first moment I said “oh OK, it’s gonna be like that”. The value she brought to the site could not be overstated imo. AMAs were a true spectacle before. Ever since then it’s felt like reddit was attempting to “make frog soup” by slowly making everything worse and hoping each individual change wouldn’t be enough for the frog to jump out.

    They’ll learn the hard way that it doesn’t work I guess lol.

    Death of the apps was the line in the sand for me and many others. Old.reddit will inevitably be taken behind the shed one day and I imagine that’ll be another line in the sand. And eventually I really do believe reddit will fade out to the level of digg/tumblr/whatever else.

    Love the fediverse idea though. He’s hoping it takes off.

    One final thought… I swear it’s amazing how quickly any company goes to hell once it goes public. To me it really feels like the people making these decisions do not understand the products/services they provide and why they’re successful.