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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024

  • Sounds like you’ve got some stuff figured out and you should be proud of that! It sucks when friends drift apart, maybe you could initiate some hangouts if you haven’t tried that already. Not just ‘we should hang out some time’ but something like ‘hey want to to get together this weekend and see a movie’.

    As for feeling lost and bored, I can relate. I still don’t really know how to handle that, I try to lose myself in a hobby, or deep dive into something that interests me. Doesn’t make it stop but it helps forget about it for a while.

    Stay real friend <3

  • The picture is of the ‘finished’ pin, I’d still like to refine the process a bit.

    The general process I follow is:

    • print the pin
    • use a casting sand like petrobond and fill a metal container
    • talcum power the printed pin
    • press the pin into the casting sand to make the void for casting
    • heat up the bismuth until it is liquid
    • heat up the actual pin (looks like a thumbtack)
    • pour the molten bismuth into the void, and quickly put the actual pin piece in the molten bismuth, if it’s not hot enough the bismuth will cool and the pin won’t sink in
    • wait for it to cool (about a minute) then pull the pin out with some pliers (it’s still hot so you don’t want to touch it at that point)
    • take a dremel to any flashing that occurred
    • paint as required (I’m just using nail polish right now since it’s pretty durable)

    Hopefully that helps! If you have any other questions I’d be happy to answer them :)

  • There are a couple benefits to a credit card as long as you are paying them off and not using them when you don’t actually have the money to pay them off.

    • It can improve your credit score which is important if you ever plan on buying a house, so you can get a loan.

    -There usually aren’t any fees for using the card like most debit cards have (at least where I live).

    • many credit cards offer a reward system which you can use to get free stuff, or sometimes just cash back. I have a dividends and get a percentage back on every purchase up to a maximum.

    So as long as you pay them off monthly, using a CC instead of debit can actually save you money and be a good thing. It’s when you can’t pay them off, and instead just meet the minimum payments that they become a problem since they have crazy interest rates.