MJ12 Detachment Agent
Of course there is, capacitors go bad, other parts stop working.
The only fully guaranteed method of preservation is via emulation.
I read that article. I am in no hurry, I will speculate that it will eventually come to other stores.
You’re not missing anything. Heavy modding of older games PC can be a pain in the ass.
You can usually find a somewhat coherent and structured guide that will give you a step by step process, but will still be time-consuming (and there will likely be exceptions or outdated information).
The best option is to keep mods to minimum unless you know what you are doing and it’s a game that you play on a permanent basis.
Beautiful screenshots! Too bad that it’s going to take a while until it’s released outside of the Epic store (on PC).
HOMM was incredibly popular in Eastern Europe in the late 90s. Not as popular as Quake/CS/Unreal, but still very notable.
I think the real world implementation of “Kingdoms of Elyria” is Kingdoms Reborn. A multiplayer 4X/city-builder hybrid (although it works just fine in single player too).
I am so excited for this game! I went into the original Citizen Sleeper without any prior knowledge of the game, ended up finishing it in two (pretty long) sessions.
I don’t think it would be possible to make a tycoon/management game with an official Stargate license. The IP holders would want returns of such a size that would be unrealistic for the tycoon/management game genre. Although Two Point Studios have seen what seems like mainstream success.
It feels like a complete bloodbath with the job situation in the gaming industry in the west.
The worst thing is none of the executives are getting fired (in a proper manner, no golden parachutes and clawbacks on any stock based compensation).
I’ve tried it out. It’s actually a pretty solid early-access game. Excellent atmosphere and setting.
Respect to the dev with being so open with the community.
I was hoping for a more simulator/tycoon game. 😀
Did that Bible game include gameplay around setting up a “church” that was actually a political donation front to promote political parties that would limit free access to healthcare for the population (under the auspices of lower taxes and “market driven solutions to healthcare”)?
Or was the gameplay lazy and uninspired?
Current AAA titles almost certainly have comparable development costs.
If you have 1,000 FTEs with a blended per-FTE annual cost of $100 K (I would argue this could be higher in North America and Western Europe) that works out to $100 M per year of development.
How do the dynamic elements (motorcycle patrols, arrival of reinforcements) work?
I’ve never played a “PvE” boardgame like this.
I find it difficult to believe that FSR 4.0 will be exclusive to the 9,000 series.
This seems to be an early leak without the full context.
Didn’t he get all fucked up and miserable from all that money from the sale to MS?
Really dislike the style and tone of this particular youtuber. A lot of the clips I’ve encountered with make him sound like a shill or someone whose primary audience is children.
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
They should have stuck to the engine business and not gotten involved in spam/adware schemes.