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  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • “I restart every day before going home”

    Uptime: 19:23:07:24

    Yeah… Logging off isn’t restarting…

    (Brought to you by my actual day today)

    E: correct autocorrect

    E2: of course that’s not why I told her. I explained how fastboot sometimes takes over and doesn’t actually restart the device, only “refreshes” the experience. I recommended she restart at least once a week. We’ll see what happens.

  • I fixed the bulleted.

    • Home routing and encryption technologies are making lawful interception spying on innocent civilians harder for Europol

    • PET-enabled home routing allows for secure communication, hindering preventing law enforcement’s ability to intercept and monitor spy on the communications of innocent civilians

    • Europol suggests solutions such as disabling PET technologies and implementing cross-border interception standards to address the issue of Europol not knowing how to do their jobs without resorting to Orwellian dystopian techniques

    • PET technologies does exactly what it’s intended to do–protect the innocent civilian from the prying eyes of the not innocent bodies that are hellbent on eroding privacy and security

  • I passed through TSA with a pocket knife, a small pair of sewing scissors, and a Leatherman multitool I forgot I put in my work backpack, but had to throw away my solid hand lotion for being 3.4oz. Larger than 3oz was a potential explosive, they told me. I had to toss it in a trashcan filled to overflowing with other potential explosives, located in the most populated area of the airport. I guess so it would take out as many people as possible and do the most structural damage, if my sealed Working Hands lotion was to explode and set off the other containers of lotions, water, and sodas. TSA is a joke.