Mari Villar was slammed by a car that jumped the curb, breaking her legs and collapsing a lung. Amy Paulo was in pain from a femur surgery that wasn’t healing properly. Katie Kriegshauser suffered organ failure during pregnancy, weakening her so much that she couldn’t lift her baby daughter.
Murica! Land of the if you can’t afford getting hit by a car, your fucked.
Land of if your disabled, your fucked… even if your were perfectly fine before some rando hit you with a car.
Unless you have some secret inheritance that makes you rich (billion; not million, that’s not rich 😉)
This makes me wonder if DOGE is going after disability payments - I think it’s called SSI? I always thought that social security, SSI, and all of those programs were the same thing, but it seems like it’s a lot more complicated. I know a couple folks who have life-long disabilities and have never been able to work. Without those payments they would just die I guess.
SSDI, Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI is Supplemental Security Income.
Without those payments they would just die I guess.
Yeah that’s pretty much the goal from the vicious freaks. Also, the payments for both systems are so low that plenty of them just die anyway as it is currently.
doge’s purpose is to suppress wages and working conditions by taking away the few remaining bits and pieces of the welfare state; it’s the american version of british labour’s actions doing the same thing so that they can afford the tax breaks for the rich.
Rear-ended in 2003. Physical therapy that lasted the legal minimum they had to provide. Off and on issues for years, always minimal treatment due to insurance. It got way worse last year.
Found out 3 days ago that I have to have neurosurgery to cut away parts of my vertebrae that are impinging onto my nerves. (The bones are over-growing due to that past injury that wasn’t properly treated.)
Have first hand experience with this. We have to be very careful with my wifes surgeries so we don’t run out of physical therapy hours. Ironically it does not have a limit for chiropractor.
*Insurance claim declined
Physical Therapist: