Every AI studio ghibli meme is another sign of how useless open AI is
I cannot tell that this is AI. I thought it was a human’s work. I don’t believe this is AI. If this is AI, then I have to admit that AI is better than I thought – not sure why you’d say it’s useless.
This is absolutely AI generated, friend.
How can you tell though?
I know it because it’s a copy of a comic I saw about a decade ago that I know for a fact was not styled like this
Edit: finally got more than the preview to load and I can now see that this is a riff not a rip Edit2: original comic
I realise it’s referencing another comic, but based on just the art alone, it’s hard to tell, isn’t it?
I can’t recall memes being hand drawn in Ghibli style until they made Ghibli style AI reproducible a couple of days ago. So let’s just say that the probability of a lot of memes using Ghibli style art going forward is probably close to 99.9% certain of being AI generated.
You’re almost certainly right, but there’s nothing in the image that gives it away as obviously AI, is there?
Not that I can see, no. I’m just saying: “New AI slop dropped, prepare to get flooded”
Yep. Hopefully this trend burns itself out pretty quickly.
If you zoom in there’s a number of tells. Just to name a few, The man’s right hand thumb, the ends of the sticks, the bottom girls hands, the fusing of the boy’s hands, the boy’s left leg. Just gotta look close and think.
Looking at the background also tends to help. If you look at the city, it looks realistic at first. But once you zoom in, it makes a lot less sense.
If it was an actual artist rather than someone typing a prompt into an AI, they would have known that it’s “Studio Ghibli” not “Ghibli Studio”…
I also can’t. If people believe that other normal people can tell the difference they are surely mistaken. From the comments supposedly you have to know how to detect some micro flaws and zoom a lot already knowing where to look.
The future is not good.
It still can’t do hands for shit except for things it has a lot of data for, and still has that “AI shine” and artifacting but somewhat filtered.
Downvoting not because I disagree with you, but because you provide no evidence.
You have to be a bot. Because I don’t believe an actual human could be this dumb
Rather than calling people dumb, has it ever occurred to you that maybe they’re simply ignorant of a very recent AI trend?
Everyone should be permanently online and eating all the new info released in the last few hours about the stupidest latest trends. Obviously.
I’m sorry, that’s against my terms of servicewhoops, sorry. I meant – thank you for educating me about the latest human trend.
Sure, let me believe you, a random person on the internet. In all seriousness, I could believe either way, but you just saying that without any explanation is pretty useless.
It has to do with the “flatness” of the general composition. It reeks of AI. A human usually needs to intervene to prevent that.
Are you happy now?
Yep, though the link and explanation of the recent trends also helped a lot. I just just taking a pot shot at at the general “just trust me bro” vibe, but I probably went a bit too mean at the end there.
You weren’t mean at all. I’m a snarky, cranky fuck sometimes, it’s not on you lol.
Also there’s a weird rectangle in the guy’s hands that doesn’t match the scene (paper? dollar bill?), the rolled up thing in the ledft corner is clearly a bastardization of a soda bottle and a rolled-up newspaper, and there’s some weird white chunk on the middle girl’s forehead that feels like it’s supposed to be a physical colouring error.
The rectangle is just the gap between his arm and body, isn’t it?
The other stuff is odd, but not a smoking gun by any means.
No human in their right mind would put a well kempt dude in a suit into a post apocalyptic comic. It just doesn’t make sense.
But it’s literally based off of a cartoon with a man in a suit, though: https://www.insidehook.com/culture/story-tom-toro-new-yorker-climate-cartoon
This was actually my favourite detail though. It gives the apocalypse this sense of immediacy which I think is important for the message it’s trying to tell.
I don’t know why you’re getting boo’d, you’re right!
So far I’ve only found 1 use case for myself. Turning my words into MBA speak for management
I feel so dirty, but it had to be done
Cut M
Yeah, but it’s Grave of the Fireflies.
It would really suck if they used AI to make this.
Narrator: they used generative models to make this.
doesn’t existNo they’re talking about AL, the man who’s behind every 4 second transition of whatever you want into Ghibli. Al is a savant who can crank out a billion renditions of memes turned into South Park characters a second.
He used to be a free man, but the company Open AL decided that his gift was too useful to be squandered so now he sits in a basement chained to a rock as he gets order after order demanding Hatsune Miku feet. He’s not even good at drawing feet yet.
Allen Iverson is a legend.
Really? That’s some serious nitpicking. Colloquial terms exist, man.
It’s not even only colloquial, it’s the scientific term for it.
Edit: Even things that have nothing to do with machine learning or deep learning are AI. i.e. stupid rule based approaches (aka tons of if-else). Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning which is a subset of AI.
No, you idiot. AI is HAL 9000 from A Space Odyssey. I watched a science fiction movie and that means I’m smart. ChatGPT can’t be AI because AI isn’t real. Get your fancy computer science education out of here /s
I’d like to think that words have meaning. They should not be used to pump up stock prices. And certain words, like intelligence, deserve respect.
Words have meaning, and the meaning of those words change throughout time, cultures, and even niche circles. In a perfect world, we’d all explain the definition of a word that we are using, but we don’t, and we rely on public consensus to determine the meaning of words. People are able to accept this for slang, but for some reason have a hard time accepting that it happens for normal words as well. People have been using AI to mean “any semblance of thought” in tech for a long time. When playing a game against a computer, people have been calling the computer player AI, even back when games were rudimentary.
Of course, I’m as big a hater of AI by the modern definition as anyone, I just think there are a lot of people dying on the hill of “words can’t change” when it’s a pretty crazy position to hold.
Excuse me if I don’t want to let corporations redefine my language.
I think there can be AI, but this is not it. It’s one of the reasons I don’t want to call generative or predictive models AI.
I guess what I’m saying is that the colloquial definition of “AI” hasn’t changed with the rise of LLMs. “AI” has been used to mean “computers that can make decisions” for at least 20 years. I don’t know if you play video games, but “AI” has been synonymous with “Bot” or “NPC” in that space for a long time now.
When I was in college, I took classes on Artificial Neural Networks, a good several years before LLMs were released to the public. While you wouldn’t find it in a textbook, a lot of the students called ANNs “AI”.
Hell, the term “Artificial General Intelligence” was coined in 2007 to replace “AI” for the definition you are using, since people had started using “AI” a lot looser. That was 18 years ago, long before LLMs.
I agree that the corporations calling their LLMs AI is misleading and manipulative, hell I even could agree that they shouldn’t be allowed to, but let’s not pretend that they have changed the definition of AI. That is fundamentally untrue.
All good points man.
It ain’t only corporations, it’s casual, intuitive, everyday speakers—the community that owns the language—arriving there naturally from the regular meaning of individual words: They see a work that appears to be created by some form of intelligence/creativity. No natural intelligence created it. Hence, a work of artificial intelligence.
See? Not that hard. No need to be difficult about it. Nitpicking a casual speaker over it is bound to earn you well-deserved disdain.
out of curiosity, what measurable output of a system would you need to observe as evidence that it’s AI?
“AI” in fiction has meant a machine with a mind like what people have. It’s had that meaning for decades. Very recently, there are programmes that do predictive text like what your phone does, but large. You can call the predictive text programme an “AI”, but as the novelty wears off, it’s gonna sound more and more like advertising than a real description.
I’d like to out-pedant you: General AI doesn’t exist (though there’s an argument that perhaps it does now). Computer scientists have used the term AI to refer to all sorts of things from pathfinding to STRIPS to video game enemies imitating human players to machine learning since time immemorial. If your objection is that only humans have intelligence, one could equally argue that only humans compute, so no true Computer exists. Please define intelligence for me if you think otherwise.
Grave of the fireflies was totally cool
This is an insult to life itself.
Authoritarian human leaders are fucking up the world a lot more than AI, but sure whatever fits your confirmation bias.
Given that AI-promulgating technofascists are often one and the same people driving the authoritarian train, I don’t think it’s as crazy of an idea as you’re making it out to be.
There’s more than one thing to be upset about right now.
Tbh, the most surprising thing about this trend is how long it took to be.
What the actual fuck is a “Ghibli studio”
edit: Since yall seem chill with the absolute crime against universe that saying Studio Ghibli backwards is, I’ve seen most of the movies, I actually know wtf the studio does.
What is a web search?
Might get farther by searching “Studio Ghibli”, the one true way to say it
Right: that’s the right order.
Do web searches care about word order, though?
Actually, yes they do I’m pretty sure. Since web searches started getting horrible, the old style of searching using only the important words (and in any order) doesn’t work very well. Part of adapting to whatever it’s doing now, I’ve found using whole sentences works best, for whatever reason.
Should it? I don’t think so. I think the old algorithm was more useful once you’ve learned how to search. It probably changed because more people with no technical knowledge didn’tknow how to use it properly.
I think your kinda missing my point, lol
Animation company with a very distinct hand drawn style. If you want an introduction, try watching “Grave of the Fireflies”. 8.5@10 and 37th best movie according to IMDb.
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Ugh… lame
That’s called hentai
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