They sent me a warning of being flagged and monitored because I upvoted a comment about Luigi. That’s how cooked reddit is now. Seriously, only upvoting “rule violating comments”, not even commenting myself. Just a button click is all it takes, and they won’t tell you which comment or post you upvoted that flagged it so it’s like walking through a mine field.
This is the exact arc of enshittification that Cory Doctorow described. Reddit used to be great up to a few years ago, but it’s clear that the board is in full-on vampire mode, and they’re going to bleed it dry until it’s time to parachute.
They sent me a warning of being flagged and monitored because I upvoted a comment about Luigi. That’s how cooked reddit is now. Seriously, only upvoting “rule violating comments”, not even commenting myself. Just a button click is all it takes, and they won’t tell you which comment or post you upvoted that flagged it so it’s like walking through a mine field.
This is the exact arc of enshittification that Cory Doctorow described. Reddit used to be great up to a few years ago, but it’s clear that the board is in full-on vampire mode, and they’re going to bleed it dry until it’s time to parachute.
bUt ThErE’s CuTe AlIeNs EvErYwHeRe ^ __________ ^