I desperately desperately desperately want to read a headline that says “Ukraine signs rare mineral agreement with the European Union. Ukraine becomes a member of the EU and the EU gets large resources of rare minerals to supercharge their own homegrown tech industry and divest it from the United States of Trump”
Why would you expect that? Wasn’t the whole deal first offered by Zelensky anyways? He was offering this along with using Ukrainian people as combat slaves. Points 4 and 5 here https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/plan-peremogi-skladayetsya-z-pyati-punktiv-i-troh-tayemnih-d-93857
I don’t expect it. I just hope for it because it would be the most big-dick-energy move Zelensky can pull on Trusk.
Switch to open source everywhere, especially in government systems
Drop Microsoft, block meta, Google, and just get rid of Amazon
It would probably take decades to unplug older systems but with a gradual approach we could probably get rid of most of it quite fast.
I wonder how much public money is wasted in Microsoft crapware, but if any of it would be redirected to open source fundings (which is actual common good) it may be a huge deal.
Much of the software, especially stuff that the likes of Microsoft provide, already exists, and is already in use. In fact plenty of local administrations have been railing against the EU commission and their insistence on .docx and stuff.
OTOH it’s not trivial to implement, not in the software sense but the institutional one: It doesn’t matter that software that can map complex administrative workflows already exists, you still have to take that stuff and build whatever workflow some agency uses into it.
You also don’t need your own servers, there’s public law hosting providers around. E.g. northern German states founded dataport, if you’re a municipality there it’s a no-brainer to get your software and your cloud, consulting, everything, from them. It’s going to be better than anything you could come up with because you’re not the first municipality to contract with them.
Part of the reason why I’ve recommended US based services to my Canadian clients was because of its speed due to proximity. Now that net neutrality has been gutted and ISPs are free to artificially slow down their services a la carte, the speed advantage is questionable. Now I recommend services in Canada where I find them and European alternatives when no closer ones are available.
I don’t pick based on country of origin, I pick based on privacy and other features. Unfortunately, that seems to knock out most US based services, which is sad because I’m American.
Thanks Mr Trump - this really helps us sell our non-US technology to the Europeans. Keep on making stuff great again 🤘
It’s almost like Trump when to a seminar on the incredible healing power of tariffs, and believed every word he heard.
Baby learned a new word and it’s eager to show it off.
He has said it is his favorite word.
Would someone explain the etymology of it to him, he might change his mind.
It won’t.
The seminar name Tariff-ic.
“It’s time to be tough on Big Tech! And by tough, I mean I’m going to give Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg and all the rest the most vigorous blowjobs they have ever felt!” -Dumpy Trumpy
I am so sick of all this shit. It’s only been like a month.
That’s exactly how I felt when Bolsonaro was in power in Brazil. He at least became ineligible for being responsible for our equivalent of the capitol invasion in Brasília, and is possibly going to jail.
It still baffles me that the US is supposed to be a country where laws work more strictly, and yet everything Trump did in his previous term—from obstruction of justice to inciting the January 6th Capitol riot—seems to have been met with limited accountability. How can a nation uphold its democratic principles if the mechanisms designed to check power are perceived as being selectively applied?
Answer: it can’t!
The main difference is that the Brazilian Supreme Court judges have a spine, while American SC judges have an RV.
where laws work more strictly
That’s never been the case. If anything we’ve been a major source of corruption on the world and particularly for South America for the last 150-200 years. Shit you could easily frame the Cuban revolution and the reaction to American corrupt interests and draw a straight line from drug cartels and bribing coups as well.
I mean, technically, we have a federal republic.
While there is supposed to be a division of powers, because it was combined with the first past the post system, it becomes a split political mess, because the combinatorics virtually guaranteed this outcome at some point.
Additionally, instead of a parliamentary republic, just like Brazil, we have the presidential system, which leads to the same problems you guys got with Bolsanaro. Quite literally everything you hear in the media and by our government regarding democracy is and has been propaganda. States have some democratic processes, but for the large part that’s not even true.
The founding fathers were of course aware of all this. They just figured it was useful while separating from Britain and establishing the country, and over time it would better itself because enlightened individuals would remain in power dedicated towards “the more perfect Republic.”
Obviously that didn’t happen and here we are.
Dude I’m with you. I want off this fucking ride.
Let’s just start accepting the tarrifs and keep doing what we have been doing
The sooner you isolate us economically, the sooner it will better for all of us.
Didn’t Trump just told everyone where to retaliate against his tariff for maximum pain in the US and on his priorities?
Those digital service taxes need to grow way higher!
One problem is stuff we don’t have. Like computer, phone, networking devices. All this is made elsewhere.
Us Europe trade war in 5…
The EU established an ACI (Anti-cooersion instrument) in 2023 that would be devastating to US interests.
Included in their response would be the suspension of all US intellectual property rights in Europe.
I’m not sure what the goal is here, but it doesn’t sound well thought out
Well has anything trump has said sounded well thought out. He’s like the villain from Meet the Robinsons
you mean musk
From the article:
Trump’s opposition to DSTs is not new: the Biden administration felt they disproportionately targeted US businesses and threatened 25 percent tariffs if they were not removed.
“disproportionately targeted US businesses”
You want to have a monopoly, well guess what…
And I kind of agree. My understanding is that DSTs are taxes on gross revenues, not profits, and are therefore problematic. It should be net of expenses and apply only to activity in that region.
Trump knows he has complete power and control.
Far from it, but he has a surprisingly large number of ass kissers. Good luck maintaining orange baby’s favor though.
Looks like it’s time for some alternatives. I look forward to watching this.
I’m in Australia and I would like to say something about that. Come at us you stupid fascist cunt.
American here.
They’re like any other bully.
Break their nose.
As an American, I support this statement.