Power company recently outsourced their payment system and now have to pay a fuckin’ fee to pay my goddamned bill. The only way to avoid that is autopay.

Further infuriating is I have to re-add my bank info to yet another third party system.

Fuck the modern world, man.

  • hedgehogging_the_bed@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    My power company found a new and infuriating way to fuck with me. They send every e-bill with a required payment of $0 and then the regular balance but my bank auto-pay only reads it as $0 due today and ignores it.

    So the bank says it’s the power company’s fault, the power company claims to have no control over it. Oh and they don’t send paper bills any more (although they send me a paper report every month shaming me for stressing the grid by charging my electric car) So you have to remember to go online and look up the bill and pay it on their awful $5 transaction bill pay instead.