The world would be a better place if locked bootloaders were not a thing. I agree that there needs to be laws in place to prevent the sale of these devices.
Imagine a PC with a locked bootloader.
Imagine having to purchase a new PC to simply be able to get updates. Or be locked to windows for life and not have an option to install Linux, BSD, whatever else.
There is zero reason to restrict installing a new os or firmware on a phone except planned obsolescence
Imagine buying a PC but only be able to install anything from one app store made by the manufacturer
How do you feel about locked bootloader’s on game consoles?
I figure this is one of those edge cases people might fall on either side of. But consoles are also a really large segment of the tech market, so it’s worth thinking about.
The PS3 used to have an unlocked bootloader with official Linux support. Sony removed it because of piracy. Of course, piracy is still possible, but as always, it’s only an excuse to exert more control over customers.
Locked in the technical sense of being able to verify the operating system isn’t a bad thing. The problem is when the device owner can’t add signing keys of their choice.
The latter is what GrapheneOS does.
Something that worries me about that is attestation. This is the advice from the GrapheneOS Devs:
They’re asking app developers to trust their keys specifically, which would mean that the app might work on GrapheneOS, but not my fork of GrapheneOS with some cherry picked fix I want.
It would be much better if we stamped this out now, before all online services require attestation.
Agreed. Microsoft proposed something along those lines under the name “Palladium” a couple decades ago and was widely criticized, even in the mainstream press. Apple and Google doing the same thing to our phones barely got a whimper.
Locked bootloader for warranty coverage: totally fine
Refusal for owner to unlock and void warranty: not fine.
In most situations, even that is giving too much power to the manufacturer. It’s fair for them to flash the original software as part of any diagnostic or service process, but not fair to refuse to repair or replace a product that actually has a hardware defect just because the owner put different software on it.
It’s fair for them to flash the original software as part of any diagnostic or service process
only fair if it does not come with any data loss. so basically not actually fair
Backups are, first and foremost, your responsibility. It’s unfortunately not realistic to expect someone to diagnose whether an issue is software-related or a hardware failure on any obscure DIY OS you might have installed. But as long as it’s possible to flash back the original firmware, warranty should still apply
But as long as it’s possible to flash back the original firmware, warranty should still apply
and because of that, that’s the responsibility of the device owner.
Backups are, first and foremost, your responsibility
I’m looking forward to your advice on how to backup a device with encrypted storage, that rolls a new key when you factory reset it.
I enjoy your optimism Medhir, but it’s more likely in the next five years that people start having their cars remotely bricked than it is any kind of right to root legislation takes off.
The purpose of a locked boot system is privacy. A MacBook is a less secure device, and one that’s been rooted and had linux installed is basically open season for any attacker. An iPad trades off the ability to put some other OS, for fairly close to total security. State-level enemies can torture you or run expensive intrusion software… and Apple improves the defenses against the latter every time. Now it reboots if it hasn’t been used in a while, say sitting in an evidence locker.
Boot loader aside, you can write code on an iPad.
There are plenty of code editors, interpreters, and several of them have compilers. The premiere one is Pythonista, but I’m also fond of LispPad (R7RS Scheme). There are a few “linux in a box” things like ish, which give a full shell in a sandbox where it’s safe.
I wasn’t able to find any pico or nano apps, but there are several Vims and emacsen.
This is simply incorrect. Implementing a lock on a bootloader is not dissimilar to a lock on your house. A person breaking in doesn’t care that they are breaking the law, they just need to find the how of breaking in. If I as a consumer want to enter my house or give a copy of my key to someone else as a backup I should be able to do so. If I want to leave my door unlocked I should have that right however foolhardy it is. And when it comes to locking the bootloader of a computer most people won’t notice it in general use but that isn’t the point. It is about the edge cases, the end of life for the device, the lack of security updates.
To expand on this analogy: Your (mobile) computer is your property, you shouldn’t be treated as if it was only a flat for rent.
The locked bootloader is having a lock at all. Without that, anyone can enter at any time.
In reality, home door locks are merely suggestions, they’re trivially picked or broken open, windows can be entered through. But if you DID have a secure building, you wouldn’t want any of the security systems to be replaced.
You get full access to operate in a secure building once you’ve used the key/biometrics/passwords/interrogation. You don’t have access to replace the locks with tinkertoy homebrew shit, because we know that’s not as competent.
I disagree. The current setup is like having the real estate have a key and you have a swipe card. The swipe card let’s you into parts of the house but you don’t have access to the basement or electrical box. If you wanted access to those you could ask but the real estate basically says no unless they really messed up, and even then they send a tradesperson to do the work and give them the key. If that tradespersons loses the key or gives it to someone else the real estate shrugs and says “What do you want us to do about it? Security is hard.”
They also have a contract for all the furniture, most of which is bolted down, so you can’t even rearrange your house, let alone install a hand rail in the bathroom for your disabled brother who needs support getting in and out. You also can’t install anything on the walls like a TV or a picture frame, and attempting to do so would lead to the possibility of piercing a pipe or cutting a wire in the wall because you don’t have schematics.
You can’t put a different OS on, you can’t modify the one you have, and breaking any of the protections on software is a violation of the DMCA, so you are a renter. You rent the device, they control the features, they decide what parts are available to the public (usually none), they decide when it will be end of life, and they make it very technically difficult to repair anything by using parts pairing. If they sold the device as a subscription with hardware upgrades included, repairs included, ongoing support included, then maybe locking it down would be OK, but otherwise no, it is unreasonable and I don’t think we really own our devices in a meaningful sense.
How is it privacy if it locks you into using an OS that reports on you?
This opinion is so backwards, it’s actually impressive.
The purpose of a locked boot system is to control what the device does as much as possible, which intentionally, or incidentally (it makes no difference) means the manufacturer and only the manufacturer gets to decide how much privacy they get to invade.
Get real.
The purpose of a locked boot system is privacy.
No its not
A MacBook is a less secure device, and one that’s been rooted and had linux installed is basically open season for any attacker.
Its less secure cos u have the freedom to run the software u want. Trading liberty for security is tyranny.
An iPad trades off the ability to put some other OS, for fairly close to total security. State-level enemies can torture you or run expensive intrusion software… and Apple improves the defenses against the latter every time.
They can torture ur password out of u regardless of what software ur running. Almost all apple devices are vulnerable to state actor hacks. The only operating system that has security that is outpacing the general police level device access tools in grapheneos.
Now it reboots if it hasn’t been used in a while, say sitting in an evidence locker.
Grapheme os implemented that 2 years ago. Apple is 2 years behind the known security issues. Grapheme is a custom operating system.
Boot loader aside, you can write code on an iPad.
If u ignore all the killing torture and general awful behaviour of the Nazis they where very industriouse. If u ignore the bad parts u can make anything a positive.
There are plenty of code editors, interpreters, and several of them have compilers. The premiere one is Pythonista, but I’m also fond of LispPad (R7RS Scheme). There are a few “linux in a box” things like ish, which give a full shell in a sandbox where it’s safe.
I want to do X. Sorry u can’t do X but u can do Y
I want to do X not Y.
Also I get that ur part of the apple cult but if u never try something else you will forever be living trapped inside a metaphorical box unaware of what ur missing. Plato’s cave etc etc.