I have an early 2000s house and they went wild with a) the sheer number of wall switches and b) the number of 3-way switches. I want to replace a good number of them while accepting my wife’s requirement that they look and function as dumb paddle switches when necessary.
I’ve looked around and these seem to be the best at fitting all of my requirements but Mama Mia, the price 😭 😭 😭 😭
Anyone have some suggestions?
This was not the thread I thought I was signing up for.
I’m sorry. I’m still new on my HA journey (and marriage) so I’m sure there are unexplored integrations
I haven’t heard of any vibrators that connect to HA but I’m sure you could DIY one
Home Assistant buttplug.io integration when?
Already exists in some way 😂 https://github.com/allanf181/BPGE
I should’ve known xD
I have tried every kind of switch, so trust me on this: go with z-wave.
- for 3-way replacements, get these. You may have to rewire the dumb second switch, but you won’t have to replace it, because this switch works with dumb second switched. If you want to update the dumb switch, these are awesome simply because of how easy they are to install.
- This switch is fantastic for being able to pack a ton of functionality into a single switch, controlling non-switch-wired devices like smart lightbulbs, fireplaces, garage doors, and so on. There are a couple of HA templates that make programming easier. Not only are there a lot of buttons, but each can be programmed to respond to single, double, or triple clicks, or long-presses. You’ll never use all of the functions.
- I got one of these as a controller and have not had any problems with it. It works well with zwave2js. I did try once to connect it to find ZigBee devices a previous owner left laying around, and never got them to work, but as I understand it Zigbees a big more flakey. I assume with enough diligence it’d be fine.
I really really like those Eva Logik switches. The fact that they work in 3-way configuration with existing switches makes things so much easier - and cheaper.
Noted… Very good call ours. Thanks for all the details.
Just want to me-too Ruaidbrigh’s reco’s and to point out, as a long-time homeowner, that you don’t have to do all the renovations at one time. For me, at least, there’s a big difference between spending $1000 to replace all the switches in the house and spending $100 to replace a couple switches every month or so. Big difference between spending the whole weekend re-wiring switches and a quick after-coffee task.
This is such good advice. You replace the switches one at a time, when you realize that it’d be nice to have that thing automated. Trying to do it all at once… that’s eager optimization. It’s overwhelming, and you’ll end up replacing switches that you never use.
The exception is switch panels; my house has a couple 3- and 4- switch panels. When one of those wants automating, I give it a good, hard think about doing all of them while I’m in there.
But the bite-size advice is gold.
Not the most elegant solution but have you looked at Shelly devices? They are smart relays that connect to your switches in the wall. They connect via Wi-Fi, cloud optional. Newer ones are supposed to support things like Threads and Matter. What I love about them is that you can use any switch you want.
I have looked at these and I am seriously considering them especially with newly-announced ZigBee compatibility… This is the trulyb"stealth" and I think cheapest option
Don’t go the WiFi route. Go Z wave for sure
They’re cheaper at Inovelli’s store, plus you can buy multipacks to save more: https://inovelli.com/collections/inovelli-blue-series
Look into the GE Enbrigjten series of Z-wave dimmer switches & 3-poles. They’re about half the price as what you linked, and use a more modern protocol stack. You’ll need a Z-wave hub, but you can get a USB dongle for about the cost of one of the switches, and it will probably Al’s include ZigBee on board as well.
GE makes dimmable 2-pole and 3-pole switches. The good thing about their 3-pole switches is you only need one smart switch for the branch, and can use companion switches to control the main smart switch over the traveler wire.
As always, pay attention to ALL smart switch literature and make sire you have a compatible load. Many switches require a neutral wire, and/or aren’t compatible with halogen fixtures. The product literature should make it pretty clear.
I also use Minoston switches, which I believe are another brand of the GE switches.
I’ll look into these. I hadn’t really considered ZWave but I don’t know enough about it not to do some more research. I picked ZigBee because we already have a tonne of Hue bulbs which I will slowly migrate to z2m.
You’re right, the cost of a Zwave USB shouldn’t be the deciding factor when the potential cost is in the hundreds for multiple switches.
I do know that I have neutral wires and have 2, 3, and 4-pole switches which I’m targeting for replacement
@[email protected] some cheap KASA switches don’t work for you?
I believe KASA need wifi to work. Or do they just work as dumb switches without a connection? I’m avoiding stuff which needs to communicate externally and would prefer a solution which won’t add to my LAN
Edit: but that price. Daaaaaammmmn
@[email protected] you still can use it as dumb switched AFAIR