if (error) { continue; }
try { operation(); } catch { // nice weather, eh? }
☑️ PR Approved
Thanks. I hate it.
with contextlib.suppress(BaseException): do_thing()
On Error Resume Next
Visual Basic is a beautiful language
If it wanted to get my attention it should have been an error
Eh it’s Javascript. Anything goes
this is fucking gold
Yeah, array.length is mutable in javascript. I’m surprised it caught on.
If I can’t see it, is it really there?
If it works, it works
I would add: until it doesn’t.
This is why:
“It ain’t stupid if it works.”
is fundamentally incorrect.
Actually fixing warnings is for noobs
if they mattered they’d be errors I’m sure
Warnings? We’ll come back and address those later. Maybe once we’re feature complete. Or maybe shortly after that.
Don’t worry. We’ll totally fix all of them soon. Promise. Hand to God. They definitely will not be here five years from now.
Meanwhile in another universe one of my biggest win was to introduce this line in our PR validation pipeline.
eslint . --max-warnings 0
Works so well, and soothes the warning annoyance brain, and keeps warnings from eventually becoming errors.
edit: works better when used together with
StackOverflow.comment.enabled = false;
I, too, place
2> /dev/null
after every lineYes, but
2>&1 > /dev/null
is the real hero.No,
> /dev/null 2>&1
is. If try your example but with file instead null, stderr content not in file.Because x>y not redirect x to y, but duplicate y and set x to y-duplicate. See bash manpage REDIRECTION (your example in that section for what not work).
As i understand, your example set 2 to what 1 is, then set 1 to null. Now 2 not null, but what 1 before.
So, the joke is that it should hide all output.
Yes it do, your example do too. But if test thing and replace null with file, suddenly stderr missing. Happen to me, 5h debug session. Hope to help prevent that for other people.
Warnings are for ignorings :3
I don’t get it. This isn’t funny. I wouldn’t approve it in merge request. Most wouldn’t.
Trying to hide problems and incompetence is the joke. A lot of people don’t want problems solved, they just don’t want to see them, and will take the easy route. If you just want that, this is the easy route.
Incompetent? Absolutely, that’s the joke.