I know using a headset helps, but you’re still talking, so…Do you adjust the mic settings to pick up even as you speak quieter, or…?

How do you check to ensure you’re still audible enough to those on the other end if you do that?

Also this isn’t a shared room situation, so that helps, but I want to be sure I’m not being too loud.

Thanks for any advice!

  • bassomitron@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Discord has individual volume adjustor per person in chat. With my friends turning me up and me turning my mic volume setting in Windows all the way up, I’m able to talk quietly enough in the next room without bothering my wife if she’s sleeping. We also have a white noise sound machine we run at night, so I’m sure that helps a bit. White noise is probably your best bet if you’re in a smaller living area.