If so, why? The app is pure cancer, and I can’t seem to find one actual use for it other platforms don’t do better. Even RCS/iMessage are better than Messenger.
Nope, deleted that shit years ago. No ragrets
Same here, probably around 2015. My wife has one due to being in real estate and not understanding the finer points of data privacy (read: doesn’t care at all), so I just use hers to browse marketplace on the rare occasion I’m looking for something. You best believe all of her devices have their own network segment at our house isolated from the rest of our gear lol.
My small town doesn’t use websites or any other means of online presence except for Facebook. To most people here, Facebook IS the internet. If I want to participate in community events or anything here I have to have a Facebook account :/
Ugh, same exact boat here. Thankfully my partner jumps on the grenade and browses the local FB content and then relays the important/interesting info to me, though :)
Ya that’s what my wife does because she’s more on it than I am haha
I use it to see the occasional post of family and very old friends from school for example. Or to see what my old band mates are up to who live in the other countries after I left for a new country.
There is no other platform any of those people post.
Same. Being not active is probably just as bad for their reports as is not on the platform. They’re both costly (as in costs something, not as in expensive).
when your fellow citizens think Facebook is the Internet,…
our country’s revolutionists use the platform for mass media communications - announcements, campaigns, etc.
well known figures earn money from the platform and it assists them in monthly expenses
so, yeah I still use the platform daily.
Fuck no. But I do know a fair amount of people that use Facebook as a way to stay connected to friends/ family that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to easily, so it does have its uses.
Nope, deleted account in 2016. Told family I have had the same phone number since 1998, if you can’t figure out how to call or text me, then I guess you don’t exist anymore.
1 - Family still on it.
2 - Active underground hip hop groups,running group and my neighborhood group
3 - The event page.
I just avoid the negative aspect of the platform
Nope. Been clean for several years. Never going back.
Never used it. Fuck that.
I use messenger to get in touch with people I have no other contact info for.
I use marketplace because Craigslist is a ghost town.
The things other platforms don’t do better is “have a near ubiquitous user base”.
I haven’t used Facebook as social media for at least a decade
Same to all of this for me with one exception, which is I occasionally have to go on for work reasons to check the business page. When I’m there, I look at my notifications, which are usually weeks-old friend requests (usually from actual people I know IRL) so I’ll accept those. Not sure why I bother… something about not wanting them to feel bad about not getting friended, like we’re in college again. (I was in college when FB came out.) But in reality they’d probably never notice so…shrug.
Nope, I deleted my account in summer 2022 after it had been inactive since March 2021. I read enough about how unethical company Meta is, and enough was enough for me. I can find anything I want or need from the platform elsewhere.
some boomers i’m only in touch with on there
Not since 2020
I never was. I had an account until about 2012, but rarely used it.